Self-Sustained Healing to Your Empowered Self
This is How We All Win
Abundance and My Happy Unbirthday
For many years of my life the journey was so difficult, but in more recent years, it has finally become more easeful. Part of it has more to do with where I am in life, as we do grow wiser and sometimes our better astrological transits come later in life.
Fully Expressing Our Authenticity
We All Face Mental Health Challenges and Here’s What We Can Do
Culturally we like to place the term “mental health” on the other. And while there are varying degrees of this for us, we all at one point or another are faced with mental health challenges.
How Holistic Healers and Healing Really Works
There's a fallacy around healers and their role, and I'm here to break this story, to bring Truth and healing to the healers from this disempowerment.