Nature heals you events

Join me for the Replay of the Chinese Year of the Snake & New Moon Astrology! In this I share a deep dive into the Yin Wood Snake Year of 2025 that began on January 29th. I also talked about the new moon energies with Sidereal Astrology, and the current and most important energies that have been impacting us, along with upcoming energy shifts to keep ourselves grounded and well.

Join in for this Celebration of the changing of the guards from the Yang Wood Dragon to the Yin Wood Snake with this replay. Your investment is $22. The recording will be delivered to you along with a new personalized 2 minute video to know on your animal placements and how you’ll be impacted for the coming year. Be sure you text or email me your birthday and time if you know it! Receive this through Venmo @Tanya-Kutterer with “Chinese New Year” or at the link below if you’re paying with a credit card. I can’t wait to share with you!

Join Korenna Aster for the Empower Wave Book Club!

Our next book discussion is Thursday February 20th at 8:00pm online, with Lady Tan’s Circle of Women. Read to page 60 before class if possible.

Please register below to get the Zoom link for Thursday evenings through March or early April. I look forward to sharing this fun historical fiction and enjoying discussion. You can come for 30 minutes or we may stay on for 1 hour. This is a late book club so we can end our day with this after our activities with family or for ourselves.

See you soon!


A Path to Sovereignty and Softening

In this class you’ll come away with tools to assist you to:

  • Lean into your authentic voice

  • Listen to the body

  • Let go and come into the heart

  • Find confidence during uncertain times

Join me March 3rd in this free class, where you’ll learn that you are powerful, and that through learning keys to Mindset, Body, Energy, and Know Thyself alchemy, you can shift into a place where you’ll know you’re safe, and that you can get through this current challenge or life transitions. Once we recognize the patterns, beliefs, and needs that underly why we do what we do, we can be set free! Through this you’ll come into greater alignment, find emotional resilience, and confidence to overcome life’s challenges so you can find direction and come into your greatest authentic and purposeful path.

Pranic Breathwork Yoga

Sukshma Vyayama, or Pranic Breathwork Yoga is a form that strengthens the physical, mental and emotional bodies. You do not have to be super flexible to enjoy and participate in this form. This is deeply detoxifying, and will purge your body of old physical and emotional ailments. This form also will give you a great strength-training workout and build your immune system.

For this form we will mostly be standing. Get ready to get energized and open the body to create emotional resilience, feel supple and radiant! Bring your yoga mat and and water. Do not eat a full meal before class, although a small snack is encouraged.

Classes are currently online on Tuesdays at 7am and Fridays at 7:00am mst on Zoom.

Classes in person are Tuesdays at 6:00pm mst at Studio Sacred. 108 W. 33rd St. Garden City

In person classes are $20, and online classes are $15. Packages of 4 or 8 are available for online classes to save money. Go to my Breathwork Yoga page to learn more.

You can pay by texting me & paying on Venmo: @Tanya-Kutterer or go to my schedule page here on my website.

Sign ups for in person Tuesday at: or pay at the door.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!


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