The Story of Deep Pillow, Korenna and Jesse
We all are learning the healing powers of sound and frequency and vibrations. This vibroacoustic therapy pillow is a one of a kind invention created by my partner, Jesse Allen. I now have this therapy in my office and am offering 30 minute sessions of this for $50. The Deep Pillow can help you with any specific healing issue: pain in the body such as migraines, headaches and back pain, insomnia, anxiety, mood imbalances, autoimmune, ADHD, HBP and heart issues, autism, PTSD, stress and many more things.
Vegan or Not To Vegan, A Health Journey Question
It’s interesting the journey we go on with food. From what we enjoy as an adult over time, to what we feel would serve us best to aid in overall health, we make choices all the time, and come to new eating revolutions in our cycles. One of the things that was a great learning opportunity for me was being a vegan for several years. It was presented to me as a way to heal when I was dealing with a second autoimmune condition and at my wits end. It truly did help for some time. And I love that I went on that journey. It ended in 2023, although even before that, a year or two of eating a bit of meat after my periods and when I craved it was allowed on my mostly vegan journey.
Happy Winter Solstice Blessings!!
This is a perfect time to start setting intentions for the coming year. We have so many planets still retrograde: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Chiron. Not only this, but it was only recently that Mercury, Saturn and Neptune stationed forward. While they are out of retrograde, they technically are still in their shadow phase, which intensifies them. So we are continuing to be in this energy to hone in on ourselves to revise, review and reinvent.
Saying No Enough Times Leads to the Yes One
Some of us seem to be unlucky in love. I am sure it’s part of our divine blueprint to have to traverse this seeming tragedy, but it’s not an easy path. I was in several long-term relationships, although nothing made it past 5 years, and one was less than 3. They all seemed to be misaligned. Of course like all relationships, they started out good, and in two of them, with my classic horse year style, I galloped into these ready to win at the races.