Being Stuck and Our Hero’s Journey
Have you been creating 🦋lately…or have you been stuck in 😝painful patterns that are keeping you looping and playing small? You see I have been in these painful places and patterns. 🥲
I have been here too many times, as well as stuck in some places where I have either felt lazy-minded or just in a rut instead of 🤷♀️ creating because sometimes we’re in a space where we want to do more, but also we just don’t know what is next, or we have too many doubts, or we just don’t have the energy, 😔we feel blue, or we’re just lacking the tools, as it seems we keep trying and something isn’t going right. 🥹
And we can get stuck like this for weeks, months, years or even decades.
But we can shift. ✨
Breakthrough to Break Free From A Worn Out Pattern
Some of us struggle with anger, rage, hating ourselves, beating ourselves up, or making ourselves wrong and feel some kind of deep emotional pain that we don’t even innerstand, and it can take years to untangle. This is my herstory. And people who struggle with perfectionism or familial stress of feeling you have to do things a certain way or else… you won’t be liked, or be punished, or feel some other internal pressure or guilt that you can’t even figure out, are often dealing with an ancestral pattern. And when we struggle with this, we act in ways that push other people away, which causes us more pain, as the trauma is real and we find ourselves alone more than we would like.
And we don’t even know we’re doing it. We’re just so frustrated with ourselves and our predicaments, and we’re dealing with so much trauma.
It Takes a Lot of Self-Love
I’m finding that what I coach when I’m working with clients is that self love is at the root of everything we do that benefits ourselves and our healing, alignment and empowerment, which is what I’m all about helping people achieve. While self love sounds easy, it really takes a lot of courage, awareness and shifting to allow the growth to make the needed changes to step into greater self-love.
Do you ever do this too? The Purge to Empowerment
Our last full moon was in Scorpio, and it was filled with intensity. Some of us felt this beforehand and some of us leading up to it, but in whatever ways that you were impacted, we were being asked to purge something from ourselves that we no longer needed. And this is deep emotional wounds that we are and have been asked to let go of, as Chiron has been conjunct Mercury through the eclipse season also asking us to dredge up patterns of thinking that are toxic for us. Are you letting go of an old wound?
Transform Old Emotions & Thoughts to Rise Like the Phoenix
We are in the beautiful season of spring where flowers are blooming, the trees are budding and greening, and the feeling of energy rises for us all. We may be noticing through eclipse season that we are being asked to let go of or transform some aspect of our life. The energy for some can even be shocking and are often from old wounds from the past and may appear as obsessive thought patterns. While triggers are an invitation to look at something deeper in order to heal, they certainly don’t feel good.