Fully Expressing Our Authenticity

What would it be like if you shared with someone the Truth of what you thought, or what you feel, and an opinion about something that may be perceived as negative? This weekend I did just that with a new friend, and it was because I asked them, “Do you want to hear my feedback regarding what you said about ‘this’?” This being the topic they shared that was causing them to have a painful situation in their life. And they said yes. So I shared what was a helpful quality instead to focus on, and why it was important for them to be in greater balance. (Which didn’t need to be stated, but it was still good to share.) 

And the person’s reaction was of awe, gratitude and inspiration that I would be honest with them and help them to see and find a better way in life. You see, most of us want to be better people. We want to improve and do things that are the best for us! (And for everyone!) And I wasn’t trying to tell them to change for me. I was lovingly helping them see something that was hurting them, although it was potentially helping someone else. But as we know when we help someone else, but it impacts us negatively then it’s not actually rising all of us up. This was ultimately a lesson in boundaries. 

And I was grateful I could share this honesty so they could grow in this area. What was beautiful was that I got to be my authentic self by sharing a teachable moment in something I have gained skills in that could benefit them. 

This is something I teach in my Empowerment Coaching. And I help people communicate in all ways that feel good for you. Not everyone wants to share their honest thoughts, and you don’t have to. In my program I teach a whole pillar on ‘Know Thyself’ where we learn conscious communication, boundaries, and how to be more authentically you! 

In my new program, Your Embodied Hero’s Journey, I also teach mindset, body, and emotion management, along with how to connect to energy cycles and nature for coming out of these challenges. 

This is a group coaching where we meet weekly, and I’ll guide you through life’s upheavals, or frustrations, in order to achieve alignment, peace, and emotional resilience, while finding a new direction, and confidence in your new and purposeful path. Sometimes this is just an internal shift in being, and other times, it’s as big as making that shift out of a health, career or relationship issue. 

Go here to get on my Interest List and get more details for this new program!



Abundance and My Happy Unbirthday


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