Winter’s Energetics

Winter is a time to go within, to recharge and to prepare for the coming time of growth in the spring. It is a time of introspection and yin building, where the focus is on going within, being receptive, restful, going deep, listening, reflecting and gathering wisdom. This is a time to nourish one’s self first, and then we can nourish others. 

The water element rules winter. Water is our life blood, and it also circulates all of the body’s fluids. Therefore, water is able to move out waste, nourishes the body, and carries heat to warm us. The kidneys and the bladder are the associated organs of this element and season, and assist the body in cleansing and moving water through the body.  When the water energies are in balance, circulation will be present and helps us to maintain warmth. Be sure to wear a scarf to cover the back of the neck, as well as a hat to keep well during the cold months. 

Fear is the primary emotion associated with the kidneys and bladder. When there is an imbalance or stuck energy with the water element, we can become overly emotional and fear can easily rise up.  Being in a state of fear, feeling negative, or often anxious will also affect the bladder and kidney. When you feel the ability to have compassion, and understanding of others, your water elements are balanced. Resentment held over a long period of time will strain the bladder, and can cause bladder infections. If you feel closed off from giving, or feel overly emotional, you have an imbalance. When things flow, we feel emotionally balanced and peaceful. Remember that emotions and water can both be unpredictable. When stagnant energies resume, we can have more emotional upheaval. The root chakra is also associated with the kidneys and bladder. So feelings of fear, as well as a lack of faith in being provided for, can cause stagnant water flow. The kidneys are also known as the seat of the will. If you lack willpower or ambition to make the changes in your life that you wish to, the kidney energy is deficient. 

The kidneys are responsible for our overall life force, our growth, development and sexuality. They govern all our sexual organs, so the water pathways need to work well in order for the sexual organs to function properly.  If you suffer from fatigue, overuse stimulants (including using coffee daily), or any kind of drugs, or have sexual dysfunction, this also points to a tax on the kidneys. Not getting in movement, and not nourishing the self with high quality foods will deplete the kidneys as well. The ears, teeth, bones and bone marrow, spine and knees are additionally associated with the kidney energy. If you have pain and it is all the way in bones, this indicates that the water pathways are blocked. 

As we enter this winter season, let us slow down, build our yin through rest and reflection, and find space to look at the things over this next year that we need to, in order to emotionally let go and cultivate that healing so we can let go of pain. If you want more assistance with this, let’s connect. 

Blessings for health and wholeness,



Welcome to the Yin Water Rabbit Year 2023


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