7 Weight-free and Stress-free Nutrition Tips Through the Holiday

7 Weight-free and Stress-free Nutrition Tips Through the Holiday

  1. Eat slowly and deliberately, chewing and enjoying the food. Wait for 20 minutes before going back for seconds to be sure you really have room in your stomach.

  2. Drink lemon water before meals and after meals. (Avoid beverages during a meal for the most part).

  3. Limit yourself to one dessert per holiday and really enjoy every bite of it. If you have multiple events for a week, have only 2-3 days that you will allow dessert. Eat your desserts earlier in the day or evening when possible. If you drink, limit yourself to one glass of wine per event. Avoid soda and fruit juice. A cup of hot cocoa with real cocoa, oat or nut/seed milk and sweetened with stevia as a replacement. Hot teas such as an India Spice with coconut milk and stevia is another option.(Avoid other sweeteners with beverages as they will add calories.) 

  4. Eat fruits and/or veggies at every meal. Have some healthy fats, protein and carbs for at least 2 meals of your day to stabilize the blood sugar. 

  5. Add sour and bitter foods into your menus. Americans avoid bitter foods, and we need a balance of sweet, sour, bitter and pungent. Find foods that you enjoy and have these with each meal. Some of my favorite bitter foods: kale, celery, asparagus, arugula, parsley, pumpkin seeds, turnips, and thyme. Sour favorites: grapefruit, blackberries and dried golden berries (mmm! Like sweet tarts but healthy and soft and chewy!)

  6. If you find yourself having more cravings because of an increase in eating sweets, try eating apples or other baked fruit or dried fruit as an evening dessert or afternoon snack. 

  7. Ask yourself if you’re really hungry or thirsty before having that beverage or dessert, or if you’re using it to meet some other need. Are you tired and trying to push through? Are you stressed and desiring to eat to cope? Once we have awareness, then we can make the needed changes. 

Are you wanting and needing accountability and extended health coaching? Do you have a health issue that is frustrating, recurring or ongoing? Let’s connect and meet to see if I can assist and serve you. I love finding the root issues with Chinese Medicine hacks, as well as so much more that I’ve studied to assist you in my Holistic Nutrition Coaching. If you’re ready to let go of pain, feeling tired, making choices that aren’t helping you, using medications to cover up symptoms, having embarrassing symptoms, or finding yourself with less time with your family and friends, it’s time to shift and let go of these patterns. Your life and your goals are worth it!  Go to the Connect button at the top of this webpage to set up a time for your free consultation! It’s a joy for me to assist you to getting to feeling your best.


Winter’s Energetics


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