Why People Actually Get Sick in Autumn

Along my journey of research and wanting to support a cause, I learned about the people of Guatemala who are some of the most malnourished people in the world. The main reason they are so malnourished is their primary food source is corn, and corn has no zinc; making it so they lack a vital mineral needed to fight disease. This story struck me deeper, as I have researched minerals to find what my clients need, and zinc in particular is one that is widely deficient in the US as well. Zinc has far reaching effects and deficiencies can even cause food cravings and weight gain. On a positive note, when we have sufficient amounts of zinc, it balances the blood sugar as well as it balances hormones in women. 

If you have taken a gut healing class of mine, I address the role that toxins play in disrupting the gut microbiome and ultimately, our immune system. The toxins we are exposed to are everywhere: our food, the air and water. That doesn’t mean to not care or give up. In fact, it’s more important than ever to be vigilant to get as little exposure to toxins to keep ourselves well. Minerals have the ability to bind to other minerals, as well as they use the same binding sites as heavy metals. When there are enough minerals in the body working synergistically together, the heavy metals don’t stand as large of a chance of binding on to those same sites. 

What does this have to do with getting sick in the autumn? In Chinese Medicine and the Five Element System, there is an element that governs every season. The season of autumn’s element is metal. Minerals are of the metal element, and are essential for our physical structure, including our ability to communicate, and for all of the nervous system to function optimally and for us to feel well mentally. The organs of the lungs and colon rule this season as well. This is why the lungs, sinuses, larynx and throat are so often affected during this season, and why we can be more susceptible to colds and illness or have problems with talking, especially if one is a teacher or public speaker. The minerals are needed for our bone structure too, so the spinal column, and neck are affected more. Neck pain and headaches are often more common in this season, if the body isn’t moving properly. Getting in regular movement, including some gentle yoga or stretching will help move the spine. At home, do ‘cat cow’ regularly. Along our spinal column lies our amazing lymphatic system, which must be moved in order for our body to move toxins out. I highly recommend a vigorous walk, or rebounding (jumping on a trampoline) as part of your regimen to stay well and move your lymph. 

The last thing that minerals and autumn have to do with getting sick is sugar. Yes, sugar. That word that can carry so much guilt and shame for many of us. We all know it’s not good for us, and this is not to instill any shame, as most of us have at least a small addiction to sugar, and it’s hard to escape. But what I want to make clear is that when we eat sugar, it disrupts our bodies ability to keep the minerals we have. And because sugar also has no nutrient value, and most of it is from GMO sugar beets, which GMO’s are proven to increase the risk of cancer, allergies, infertility and aging. Sugar is often in many things, and you can avoid it by starting to read your ingredient labels and stay away from high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar and sucralose, as these are very detrimental to the body. 

Sadly, the rise in using sugar, along with not addressing toxins has caused the following statistics: 

● 1 in 4 will get Alzheimer's by age 60 (1 in 2 by 85) 

● 1 in 7 between ages 18 and 39 already complain of memory problems 

● 1 in 6 adults is on a psychiatric drug 

● Average attention span 20 years ago was 12 seconds; today roughly ½ of that 

● 1 in 5 people suffer from neurological disorders 

The good news is there are healthy alternatives to sugar that I recommend (in moderation): honey, real maple syrup, molasses, stevia, date sugar, monkfruit (be sure it has nothing else added) and lucuma. Also, in Chinese Medicine the flavor of sour counteracts sweet. If you have a sugar craving, try having some lemon water or a sour food to see if that satiates you. Sugar is not our friend, it causes inflammation and any other issues you have it will exacerbate. I teach how to break free from sugar addiction in my Nutrition Coaching, as well as during a Parasite Cleanse, like my upcoming group one (see below), where you will also take a break from it, assisting you in getting a hold of this with my guidance. I can tell you that you can gain willpower, and there are tools I have learned to help you break free. Reducing it will greatly aid in you staying well and living a healthy long life. 

Did you know that Amma Therapy, acupressure and bodywork, can not only build the immune system, but it can push out colds and viruses, especially when caught at the beginning. Getting regular treatments is the best preventative cure for you. 

Here’s to A Well and Vibrant You!



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