The Seasons Change & Following These Cycles to Restorative Health

I love chopping up these chioggia beets, they're always so beautiful and it makes the chopping that much more fun! 🍅I've been getting in lots more cooked veggies than raw with the changing season. 🥦What about you?😃 We’re approaching the autumn equinox, and a change in season brings in a change in our eating habits. We’ve been in Virgo season, which has everything to do with our habits and our health. 💪So I know you’ve been getting triggered around your health habits, and perhaps even changing some. But if you haven’t fully engaged, this is the time of year to do so, as we reach that balance point, the time of Libra season. 🌓✨

Our ancestors always began cleansing gently during the season change from summer to fall. 🌾And so, we too can do this. It recently came to my attention that some people feel that detoxes or cleanses must be or often are aggressive. While some may be, the ones I promote and do are gentle,🌿 and are here for us to engage with in a way that promotes and restores health. So let’s think about this time of being restorative. 🙏

You may also find it interesting that it’s during the turning of the seasons that people typically pass away if they are in poor health or are aging and ready to depart. If you are having a health issue arise now, this is also a reminder to get your health back on track 👣somewhere. Perhaps too many sweets have crept in from the summer fun outings? Or maybe you’ve just stopped exercising like you used to. Maybe the mindfulness with eating leapt out the window some months back and you are ready to reclaim it. 🍃⭐️Whatever it is, feel into that need now and make a plan and set a goal that is achievable so that you can make the needed changes.

If you’d like to lessen your sugar intake, and you’d like to improve your energy, digestion, skin health, mood, or just know that we all need a parasite cleanse twice a year, join me in my group cleanse, where I lead you within a safe and private group, where we can stay accountable together. 😋You can eat all the fruit you want, and you don’t have to starve, as you’ll be eating lots of whole foods to nourish you. 😄🥑🫑🥬🍋🍓✨

Join me in Fall Back to Yourself Parasite Cleanse September 22nd or as late as the 29th. Let’s get your consult in to get your herbs,🌿 and so you too can get to feeling like yourself again! Because you are worth it, and your health is the greatest wealth that you will ever own! 😃🦋🐉🍂

All the details and to sign up:

To Your Greatest Health!



Why People Actually Get Sick in Autumn


Making Healthy Muesli