The Biggest Struggle When You’re Shifting Your Health

Here's the biggest struggle I see with clients. Something changes where they go off of sugar, or off a medication, or they get off some food that was not good for them. And then they may have a shift in the body where something is out of sync for a moment.. sleep is off, they get sick, etc. And then they always point to the supplement or healthy food that's supporting them as the possible culprit when it is always the sugar, the medication change, the wifi and being on their screen too late before bed, etc. that's impacting them. When I point out that the vitamin D3 helps them sleep, and then point out the other thing they have or haven't done, they can then clearly see where their fallacy was. It's funny to see how beliefs in action work. We all are so attached to what we want to see, what we think has worked, what we want to accept, or not accept. It's all about perception, and I hope this helps you on your health (perception) journey too! 


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