What I’ve Learned Are the Key Ingredients to a Successful & Happy Life

I’ve been studying a lot recently on the mechanics of the Universe.. Yes quantum physics stuff. And I’m innerstanding the nature of reality so much deeper. While I don’t purport to know the Truth, I consider myself a Truth Seeker. And this is one of my favorite things to do, as when I continue to innerstand energy and how it moves in and through us, I find what brings me into Truth and Alignment. All of the services and modalities I share with others are ones that move energy in our bodies into greater alignment, and have personally helped me step into greater abundance in my life. I have learned that dedicating your life to service, applying focus and following your passions are key ingredients to a happy and successful life. And I want you to feel that and know what’s possible too, or even get to the next level. As I work with each person we begin with the process to stabilize, then we can detox the body/mind/emotions, then create greater self-love, finally becoming of greater service and in spiritual alignment. 

I follow The Blue Heron Holistic Health 9 Tenets of Wellness to achieve my wellness, and this is how we holistically heal. These are: 

Intention and Mindfulness

Clean Food

Mindful Movement Disciplines

Being In Nature

Sacred Healing and Self Love Practices 


Play & Creativity

Know Thyself & Life-Long Learning

Give Your Labor of Love

I want you to find this same success and happiness. While no one has a perfect life, I have a pretty amazing life! And it’s because I’ve dedicated my life to applying myself in all these areas. Are you ready to uplevel? Do you want to step into better alignment and leave behind some painful patterns? My holiday gifts of gratitude are below. I’m ready to serve you, and your friends and family too. 

Thank you again for your love, time and presence, 


My Holiday Offerings of Gratitude are here, with my special offerings through November 29th. I'm so grateful to be doing the work I love. Thank you for continuing to see me and it truly is an honor to work and learn from you. 

Gift or Give yourself the gift of immune boosting or releasing that stress through either Breathwork Yoga or Amma Therapy!  People want experiences not things nowadays, and this could help your family or friends to feel good and stay well through this flu and cold season.

Breathwork Yoga packages: For first time students: $33 for a 4 package! For new or ongoing students: $66 for an 8 package! 

Amma Therapy sessions are $111 for a 1.5 hour or first time session (a 40% savings!) for gift certificates. I would be honored if you shared this gift with your loved one(s)!

Gift or Give Yourself a Transformational Journey to let go of  painful patterns and step into the amazing creator that you are! 

Chinese Astrology readings as gift certificates for $123 (15% off) and my package, Your Authentic Star Powers with your individual chart and a Relationship Reading is $297 ($100 off! 40% savings!) 

My Ancestral Energy Clearings come as a 4 session package to break free and are $888. For my holiday giving I’m offering this for $666 (25% off .) 

My Transform to Transmute package is 6 sessions total of Ancestral Energy Clearing and Alchemy Coaching, with an option to have one session as a Chinese Astrology reading. Ancestral Energy Clearing can be done either remotely or in person if you’re local. For this holiday offering, this is 30% off for $555! 

Many of you know I don’t have prices like this very often, and usually it’s only this time of year. I look forward to supporting you or a loved one if you’d like to buy a gift certificate for any of my services!


9 Ways to Stay Healthy Through the Holidays & Winter


Are you like the Eagle or the Phoenix? Excavating Beliefs and Rewiring New States of Being