Are you like the Eagle or the Phoenix? Excavating Beliefs and Rewiring New States of Being

Recently I have felt the pain of the collective: those who are hurting in isolation or are triggered by the holidays, as things aren’t as they were before, and hearing the children crying out that are even here in our country, wanting to be at peace, dealing with social media, the pain of families in fear, and the confusion of adolescence. To counter this, I spent time alone journaling, and in meditation in nature, earthing and walking through my yard enjoying the colors and beauty, and bringing myself into oneness with knowing that when I heal, I help others heal. 

As we are ending this Scorpio season, we are continuing to look into the depths, into our shadows, our beliefs and looking to uncover that which we wish to let go of. We get to let go and purge what no longer belongs to us, or what never belonged to us. Our soul and body is also letting go of things that are purging without our conscious consent. So body pains and triggers have been surfacing. Most of us know these inner knowings that are coming up on the mental and emotional planes as Truths. Or, ways to see behind what was told to us as truth and isn’t for us. 

Scorpio is associated not only with the Scorpion, but with the Eagle, who is willing to look piercingly and then with great execution go after what it wants to get to. So in Scorpio season we get to look at what’s hidden and examine and then dive in and do the healing. It’s an intense time to see and be willing to look clearly at what we have sown within ourselves, or what was given to us that we no longer need to carry with us, or are ready to unravel. Seeing some of these shadows allows us to expand our awareness, finally knowing the truth which is not the conditioning, the lies or manipulations that have been haunting us or controlling us from societal, familial, religious or spiritual dogmas. 

So with this mental and emotional unraveling, we are emerging as the Phoenix, the other expression of Scorpio. From this emergence, and this shifting of our frequency, we often feel it physically. This is because we need to move energy in the body. For many of us, we are going through what some call ascension symptoms. I heard recently that we are all in 4D now, but of course most of you who follow me are still working our way up to 5D. These energy shifts can take time, and we all need the support of others who are in our community of care circles here. 

When we want to shift our patterns in our world, we must look at our mindset, what is our familial and societal programming, and what we are giving to our physical vessel. If we can look at ourselves as the multidimensional beings that we are, we know that we are layers, and so it will be in layers that we heal. 

For those of you who are needing assistance with physical or emotional pain, I recommend coming to see me for Amma Therapy or Breathwork Yoga. If you are needing help to shift through the programming, conditioning and mental patterns, then coming in for the Ancestral Energy Clearing is the best way to move the energy. Message me for more details or drop a Yes below for my holiday offerings of gratitude where you can receive the care your soul needs. 

My Holiday Offerings of Gratitude are here early this year, with two special offerings. I'm so grateful to be doing the work I love. Thank you for continuing to see me and it is truly an honor to work and learn from you. My Ancestral Energy Clearings come as a 4 session package to break free and are $888. For my holiday giving I’m offering this for 25% off at $666. My Transform to Transmute package is 6 sessions total of Ancestral Energy Clearing and Alchemy Coaching, with an option to have one session as a Chinese Astrology reading. Ancestral Energy Clearing can be done either remotely or in person if you’re local. For this holiday offering, this is 30% off for $555! (Normally $797). 

Amma Therapy sessions $111 for a 1.5 hour first time session (normally $167 and a 40% savings!) for gift certificates. I would be honored if you shared this gift with your loved one(s)! People want experiences not things nowadays, and this could help your family or friends to feel good and stay well through this flu and cold season. Many of you know that I don’t have prices like this very often, and usually it’s only this time of year. I’m looking forward to supporting you or a loved one if you’d like to buy a gift certificate for any of my services! Stay tuned for more savings in the days ahead! 

I’m so grateful to be serving you with Amma Therapy, Breathwork Yoga, Nutrition Coaching, Chinese Astrology and Ancestral Energy Clearing. It’s an honor to assist you to break free from painful patterns, find what is energetically aligned for you, and build new positive habits and patterns so you can be your most authentic powerful self, and be the conscious creator you are! 

To a Beautiful New Earth and in Love and Gratitude,

Korenna (Tanya) 


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