9 Ways to Stay Healthy Through the Holidays & Winter

1. Get outside and get sunshine when you can! When you can’t do this, take a quality D3. Many people will want to take a D3 even if they are getting some sunshine because it can be hard to get enough. 5000 IU’s daily is recommended.

2. Get physical every day! Find a way to move that brings you enjoyment. Don’t forget to include your family! Teaching children to be active will help them to stay healthy through life and will create fun bonds especially when you are enjoying nature together. All of the chores or playing with kids or family members counts. If you don’t have kids, grab your partner or a friend. I highly recommend walking, dancing or hikes, but gym time or classes can be fun too. Get playful! Sacred sex with your beloved is exercise too.

3. Drink more water! Water is life and many of our issues stem from dehydration! Warm or room temperature water is best so your digestion is not impaired from the cold. Herbal tea is even better since you can enjoy many flavors and get the herbal benefits. Be sure and stoke the digestive fire in the morning with something warm.

4. Sleep. Winter is a time of building yin. This means going inward and resting more. We need to get extra sleep and allow our bodies to rejuvenate. Think hibernation.

5. Learn to say no. Some social time builds our immunity too, but we must strive for a strict balance in this season. We may need less time with parties, obligations and gatherings. Be okay with saying no.

6. Find ways to get positive touch and bodywork! If you are having a craving or addiction issue, it may actually be touch you need. Pets are great ways to get that need met as well. Schedule an Amma treatment each month to build immunity.

7. Watch less TV, and spend less time on social media. The less time you spend being subjected to commercials, the media, and feeling the “need” to be engaged constantly (this includes your phone), the better you will feel about yourself (and get to know yourself). Also, you will be less likely to unnecessarily consume. The less you expose yourself to EMF’s (electromagnetic frequencies) the healthier your mind and body will be.

8. Look at your emotions and feel into them. Perhaps more emotions and stress come up around the holidays for you. Be present with yourself. Learn that you are okay to have feelings and you are allowed to express. Find ways to let out the emotions without taking them out on someone else. Take the time to sit with those uncomfortable emotions and cry. The release will bring healing on many levels.

9. Keep the Gratitude Attitude. When we are thankful and we see all of our abundance, we are in tune with who and what we truly are~ a part of Spirit, God, Universe. We will always be provided for. We only need to see the perspective of how much we are enough as we are, and with that focus, more will come to us. Breathe.

Many Holiday Blessings of Warmth & Abundance,



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