What Are You Chasing and Still Not Getting?

For all of us, we spend part of our lives on autopilot. It’s not often because we want to, but rather because of our habits, families and society, our desire and need to fit in and belong, along with our addictions that cover up the pain of not getting what we want and this eternal chasing, as well as ancestral patterns. Whew that’s a lot against us to actually grow! (And I could get into more). However, It seems to me that I continue to have a tribe, and attract the kind of people who continue to apply different things to our lives to improve. We like to grow, and want to become better people, not only for ourselves, but for our family, community and world. I’m grateful for this and to know you. But despite our best efforts, (and I’ve been right there with you), we often find ourselves repeating past patterns and finding ourselves reaching for those external results. We chase money, or think we’ll be happy if we only lose that extra x amount of weight, or achieve that status, get that relationship, that promotion or status of whatever that ‘if we only’ may be. 

For years I’ve been learning from top thinkers, coaches, scientists and those who have that same deep mission I have: to help people know and become the powerful creators they already are; and to create our best life possible. And while I certainly am continuing to learn and get tested, and am finding new ways for my own expansion, I am still on my hero’s journey just like you are, (as each of us always will be in one thing in our life), to find that peace; that flow, and to step into our Truth and to know we’ve arrived. And even while still having dreams that we are aiming for and that we haven’t achieved yet. I’m passionate about sharing what I learn that continues to help me uplevel, and then bring that hope, possibility and transformation into your life. And while it’s helpful to say the right affirmations, to think positive, and to visualize, and I share the most effective ways of using these, there is more to it than this. I teach techniques on again, how to get to the root of stepping off the eternal chasing game, how to get out of our own way that holds us back, and ultimately how we get connected to our Truth and what truly helps us to Thrive. And this creates Abundance where before you were stuck in ego and chasing.

I see so many people who have physical ailments and the acupressure and bodywork (Amma), with the nutrition is so powerful, and needed to get things in harmony in the body. However, the body is controlled by our mind and emotions, and all of our ailments arise from some kind of spiritual, emotional or mental malaise. I love helping each of you discover where these things stem from and getting to the root, as well as the root deficiencies in the body that need adjusted with nutrition, movement and getting the energy flowing once again. In my Affluence Mindset Upgrade, I have created a monthly class where I teach all of the mindset tools from the latest influencers, along with a group energy clearing to help you release whatever has been keeping you playing small, keeping you stuck in painful patterns, and holding you back. The Affluence Mindset Upgrade is monthly, and usually the first week of the month from 7pm-8:30pm. Join me, and find the transformation that will help you stop chasing the external results, and actually step into the experience that your soul truly desires. Check my site on events here for more details: https://www.blueheronholistichealth.com/

To your greatest potential!



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