How to Stay Well and Not Catch a Cold, Virus or Flu..

Are you wanting to stay well and not catch the seasonal flus, viruses (Covid) or colds? I can’t express enough how important getting regular Amma treatments is for staying well. Did you know that with the clients I see bimonthly that 95% of the time, they don’t get sick? And for clients that come in monthly they stay well 80-85% of the time. Yes, the other factors as we know are caused by stress and the foods that stress the body (namely sugar and processed foods). And even when you are dealing with life, as many of us are, the chances of you staying well with these monthly or more tune ups is significantly more. Also, the Pranic Breathwork Yoga I offer is a great one for also moving energy, and bringing in that pranic life force. This practice boosts the lungs and immune system and is another way to release stagnation from the body. Current classes and more info on this breathwork yoga can be found on my website under Breathwork Yoga, and then you can schedule through the schedule link on my website, or reach out to me.  

Autumn is governed by the metal element in the Five Element Theory system, as well as it is governed by the organs of the lungs and colon. In order to stay healthy with this season, you will want to learn these holistic principles to gain harmony and balance again through foods, movement and what is needed in relationships. Watch my video here to learn more! The metal element is a fascinating one and this is such a catalyzing time of year!


What Are You Chasing and Still Not Getting?


Moving Past Making Yourself Wrong