Are you ready for liberation from a painful cycle?

Who are we but the stories we tell ourselves, about ourselves, and believe? Scott Turow

It’s becoming painfully obvious to me that there have been some stories running in my life that I didn’t think I wanted, but apparently I do. And there are stories that I’m telling and frankly, I’m tired of telling them, and ready to transform into an even better version of me. So many of us have these unconscious programs running where we play out what kept us comfortable and safe as a child and teen. While I love my blanky and ruminating over all the ways that I’ve been wrong... I’m ready to let these stories go and create new ones. At the root of most of our stories are unworthiness, shame, regret, scarcity consciousness, feeling not good enough, and fear of shining our light too brightly because of possible envy or judgment. While in many ways I’ve grown a lot and come a long way, there’s still some dreams I’m not realizing and ways I’m keeping myself small. I’m ready to step up into more abundance, calling in my life partner, having more loving community experiences, other big plans I’m not ready to announce, and feeling fulfilled deeply in all that I do. I keep finding new tools to let go of painful patterns, and this will always be my life's work; to find what works for me and share it with others. 

A recent chapter in my life has come to a close, and it has opened the door to deep evaluation, along with the astrological energies bringing this up both personally and collectively. What stories are you telling yourself? What chapters have ended with this eclipse cycle? What stories are you ready to step into? With this recent Taurus Lunar Eclipse, the energies are bringing up our habituations, our self worth and self-growth opportunities. Additionally, with 3 planets in  Scorpio, this brings us looking at our wounds, and wanting to heal. With Uranus conjunct the moon in play, the unexpected is playing out, and deeper ways to heal that are powerful and profound are being excavated. Have you noticed this in what you’re learning? I have personally found a new healing technique through a book called Existential Kink, which is a therapeutic technique all about shadow work and finding out why we have what we don’t want, and then changing it. (Huge thank you to Sydney for bringing this into my life!!) I’ve already found it to be incredibly liberating, and will be introducing it into my coaching very soon. 

With the Taurus and Uranus energy we will also be looking through the lens of our nervous system, wanting to maintain our sense of safety and this can have us looking at the motivations of others. As we do this, we will want to be careful we aren’t letting past fears come up and projecting onto others. The shadow and the illusion have been at play, but we are ready and feeling the need to release them. 

If you are ready to release some patterns with me, I’ll be sharing ways we keep ourselves playing small and sticking to these stories that keep us stuck and in lack, as well as I’ll be introducing techniques and ways to let them go, including a group energy clearing in my upcoming Affluence Mindset Upgrade December 7th at 7pm. It’s time we stopped believing and creating these old worn out stories. We deserve to make our dreams come true. We don’t have to stay in regret, shame, guilt, unworthiness, and lack any longer. I hope you’ll join me in this powerful container where we’ll learn lots of tools from top coaches and scientists I’ve been researching along my journey.

To your great journey!



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