Ready for Fall? Is Your Earth Element in Balance?

The earth element rules our time between seasons, and in the northern hemisphere we are in the late summer, that time between summer and fall. This means we must take extra care to build our earth element, which correlates to our stomach, spleen, pancreas and the lymphatic system. What kinds of health practices do you currently have in place? What messages is your body sending? Do you need a change in your diet? Often, we start to notice a sugar imbalance in the earth element time periods, or we can overindulge with sugar during this time. This leads us to knowing we must make a shift in the coming weeks ahead. Many times our body naturally tells us what we need if we choose to listen. Besides avoiding sugar, it’s best to limit dairy if you use it at all, as this plugs up the lymph system, which is the body's natural way to eliminate wastes and toxins. Keeping your digestive fire stoked by having warm or room temperature foods for breakfast with a healthy protein is a great way to keep that earth element in balance as well. I can lead you through healing the gut to balance this earth element through Holistic Nutrition, which is incorporated in Amma sessions, or can be done on its own. I have my upcoming parasite group cleanse starting September 21st to assist with those sugar cravings and pesky bugs. More on this later. 

Earth contains the water element and so when we have an imbalance with earth, then the water symptoms can crop up. This looks like breast swelling before menstruation, edema, bloating, and itchy and dry skin with oozing water/fluids. Besides getting Amma, moving the body is needed to move the lymph. I recommend rebounding (using a mini-trampoline) or getting in a quick-paced walk daily or 3 to 4 days a week. Be sure and hydrate to keep yourself in harmony as well! 

Low energy and brain fog are symptoms of earth out of balance, as well as a clogged lymph system. We also want to be mindful of building our immunity at this time. When the earth element is weak, we are prone to illness such as viruses and colds. Furthermore, it is always imperative to heal the organs in the season beforehand if we want to keep them healthy. Do you have lower immunity in general? Do you have any issues with the lungs and colon? Lung and colon are ruled by the fall season, and so we want to prepare now to stay well through the upcoming season. Amma bodywork not only always moves the lymph, but it always builds your immune system and regulates all the organs, channels and energy of the body so we can feel energized, and move the stagnation out to assist in greater harmony of body, mind and spirit. So if you are also dealing with any emotional imbalances, I can assist you to move through the anxiety, grief, frustration, low mood issues, and low energy issues, as well as so much more. 

Other ways you can see the earth element imbalance is if you experience any of the following:  feeling that desire for sympathy and seeking it out, being forgetful, an inability to have compassion (even if you want to), being resistant to change, or experiencing nervousness. When we tend towards obsessive thinking, worry, or overanalyzing, we can find ourselves imbalanced with our earth element as well. These emotional imbalances can also be due to an overgrowth of parasites. Watch my video below to learn more on why we All need to cleanse from parasites at least twice a year. And let’s set up a free Connect Call for your Amma or Nutrition Coaching, or Ancestral Energy Clearing. There are always ways to move past these stuck patterns and getting into greater alignment. 

To Your Greatest Health and Highest Potential,


P.S. Here’s a video I created on Why We All Need a Parasite Cleanse. Check it out to learn more. No gross pictures here I promise!


It’s Been a Long and Conscious Journey To Be Where I’m At Today…


You Always Have The Choice To Change But now is the time! ;)