You Always Have The Choice To Change But now is the time! ;)  

We always have the choice to change, and now is the time to either figure out what that is, or make the change. We are all feeling that inner calling, and if you’re not, I will lovingly say that you’re stuck in distraction. And the more we distract, or don’t listen to our soul’s calling for that change, the harder the lessons will be and the bigger the pain or wake up call. 

For some of us, it’s a small shift that needs to happen, and that’s why it may not be pressing. Maybe we want to keep up on organizing our desk more, or we want to increase our health routine to include meditation or yoga or some movement. For others, we have to contemplate the bigger shifts; the big move such as leaving a relationship, finding our authentic self through coaching, or taking that step to finally heal that health issue that is painful and you don’t want to take medications for any longer. Where is your soul longing for freedom? 

As we have come into the Virgo season, we want to purify our lives. We want to clean house, and while that may be your actual house, it is often our body vessel that Virgo wants primed. Virgo is all about health, so we also desire peace of mind, and our spirit to be at ease. With 7 planets retrograde, and the only inner planet Mars going forward, we do have the ability to start taking action. We will be continuing to reflect over the next few weeks and month with Venus and Mercury being in retrograde until September 3rd and then September 15th respectively. So if you already know what action is needed, go ahead and begin those steps. There is something for you to engage with I promise. And for the bigger things that aren’t clear yet, take the time to go inward, to meditate and find time alone to ponder and to receive the messages on what is best for all of the things that you want to make a reality. 

If your heart has been aching for a change and you want clarity, I’m here to help. Do you have a question you want to cultivate time to get the answers for? Do you need to find your center or a new center? Are you feeling the desire to isolate, and grow through stillness? I’d love to be your guide if so and you’d like assistance. I have 3 spots available for my Finding Center Vision Quest this September 22nd to 24th. 

Are you ready to find your wilderness? To find your inner Truth? To find that peace and joy that comes with that knowing, that is resolute and within you? We don’t use plant medicine to get here. Only fasting from food, lots of water, and time in a secluded place in nature. I will hold a safe container and be your guide. 

To Finding Center, 



Ready for Fall? Is Your Earth Element in Balance?


Traversing the Unknown and Finding Your Center