Traversing the Unknown and Finding Your Center

Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. ~Robert Frost

All of us get to a place in our lives where we are faced with a difficult trail or road ahead of us. It’s in times like these that we stop and take inventory. We find we have to make a decision or get more informed to take the risk and take the road unknown. We can also choose to keep going down the road we were taking before. Usually we are already feeling that this isn’t going to work for us, but there is always free will. And there’s no right or wrong way to go, because whatever lesson we are meant to learn will continue to appear until we get it. But I think you, and most people I know want to choose the path of growth even if it does look daunting. 

We are at a time like this now. We just had a new moon in Leo a few days ago and this is leading us into a new beginning, which we are starting to get an inkling of. For some of us, there have been sudden shocks and surprises with the sun in Leo square to Uranus, that have pulled us into a reality check that something has got to go, shift, or we have to find a new way to find a new center and make peace with what is happening. And this will help lead us into greater self-love, joy, peace, playfulness, and finding our center and radiance, just like the queenly or kingly lion again. And you may not have found that center before, but you know it’s possible. 

And I have been there too friend. I have felt like life was always testing me, and I never got a break. I didn’t know what it was like to find my center. But I knew other people experienced less trauma, or constant triggers. I knew that peace of mind could happen for more than a day or a week, because I saw someone else talk about the ease of their life, and this gave me hope. 

This summer when I got to the upper trail to Chasm Lake, I got scared. I started to walk onto the snowy path before me, and I looked down and I thought to myself, “I don’t want to die today.” And I turned around. I was by myself on this trail, but another solo hiker behind me went ahead of me on the trail after I turned back. I watched her quickly and easily traverse this snowy and steep path. I thought to myself, “If she can do it, and others today have, the snow is probably safe. If I don’t look down, and I keep putting one foot in front of the other, I can probably make it across safely. If it starts to seem sketchy, I will turn around.” And so I did this, and I brought in other tools. I used mantra and affirmation with, “I am safe. I am strong.” as I went across. I did not look down. I took each slow and steady step across the snow until I made it safely to the other side. 

This was a challenge, and it was a risk. But it was a calculated risk that I felt could stretch me in a new way and I felt safe to trust my plan. And this is how you can traverse your unknown too. 

So yes, we are in a time where we have to bring in our tools, and perhaps create new tools to get to, over, or across this new divide to a new beginning. But I can tell you that it was worth it to see that lake, and to feel that sense of accomplishment. (See my picture at the lake below!) And you know what? I would have felt a great sense of accomplishment even if I hadn’t made it that last stretch. Because at the end of the day, I was listening to my inner guidance and trusting what was best for me in the moment. 

Whatever new starting point is coming your way, or whatever new chapter that is beginning, I know you’ve got this. What will open your heart to greater love? What will help you find more joy, more peace, radiance like the queen or king you are, and a sense of fulfillment in life? You only get one life. Go out there and do this! There are so many adventures waiting for you! 

P.S. I am leading a vision quest this September 15-17th for 1 ½ days where you can find an answer to your pressing question, take time to review, reflect and find your center, or a new center. If you have been feeling the calling to go within, or if you have been feeling a deeper sense of dissatisfaction in your life, a vision quest can help you find the Truth that only you know and that will lead you into the best and safest path for growth, while allowing you to stretch in new ways. If this Vision Quest speaks to you, read more below for all the details and you can reach out for an application or to schedule a Clarity Call for this Finding Center Vision Quest with me as your guide. Thank you for trusting me as your guide. It truly is an honor. 

Big Hugs for Your Faith and Trust To Your BEST life,

Korenna (Tanya)


You Always Have The Choice To Change But now is the time! ;)  


Current Lion’s Gate Energies & Transmission