Current Lion’s Gate Energies & Transmission

With Venus being retrograde and also invisible, and Mercury in its retrograde shadow period, we are all personally feeling things regarding our value, and our love relationships. While this is a reevaluating time, especially with the Venus energies, we can feel very much alone. We can also feel unloved, or unloveable or begin feeling like we can’t acquire the things we want. Trust me, I’m feeling this too. But when we have awareness, we can switch our perspective. There are so many people who suffer silently. (None of us are ever good at reaching out to our loved ones when we’re hurting.) But this is the time to do it. This is the time to, yes, take inventory, and notice what is coming up for you. There is often pain involved in this and let the feelings come up and out. Have a good cry if you can. You may not be getting along with your significant other, or someone that you are very close to. You may feel like you’ll never find the one. Also, with Mars and Mercury being in Virgo since early last week, most of us are being extremely self critical, or judgmental. We may be putting this onto others, so be mindful if this is happening. 

With these energies, we can easily take things personal. So many people feel so desperate in these times, and even feel suicidal. Please know that if you are struggling, you can reach out to me. Or reach out to a friend of family. They actually want you to, and you aren’t a burden. The biggest illusion of this life is that we are alone. We are moving out of a very dense time period into a much more expansive and vibrant one. But there are still systems in place (that are collapsing) that keep us isolated. We are meant to live in tribes, in comm-unity, in loving reverence assisting our brothers and sisters and our precious earth, and all its amazing and beautiful inhabitants of every form. I want you to know you aren’t alone if you are struggling. There are tools and resources to assist you. I have some, but there are also other great practitioners that I can connect you to, to assist with emotional imbalances. 

First of all, I do breathwork yoga, which creates emotional resilience and fortitude. It is incredible how much stuck energy we can release in a single class, although these classes build over time as well. And my Amma Therapy, acupressure and bodywork and nutrition/life coaching is also great at moving out energy and it is always balancing for the emotional body. I work a lot with those experiencing anxiety. My Ancestral Energy Clearings help move stuck emotions out of the body, as well as stuck memories, and ancestral or earlier life, as well as past life progams out of the body. It is very powerful. The results I’m getting from this are astounding. Last of all, I’m leading a parasite cleanse and this is another powerful tool to help balance one’s self emotionally and physically. Parasites are a leading cause of anxiety and sugar cravings. I’m dedicated to assisting you to feel better, and I’m grateful that you are here. You matter. Everyone is SO incredibly unique and gifted, and needed. If this message speaks to you, please share it with a loved one. You never know how it can assist someone to innerstand the energies. 

There are also positive energies coming in from the Lion’s Gate, which is really a reminder we are one with the infinite. And so this message comes to you from this transmission. I’ll post a link below that will help you innerstand the Lion’s Gate from a much richer perspective. <3 

Be well, be healthy, and most of All, Be Yourself! You are Loved. You are Worthy. You are Magnificent just as You Are right now. <3 


Traversing the Unknown and Finding Your Center


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