Making Healthy Muesli

I love making my own muesli. And the reason I love to is that I can make it healthy, save money, and not have anything with added sugar in it to ruin it for me. It is unbelievably hard to find a healthy breakfast cereal, but this is it. And the small amount of time it takes me to make it every two weeks is worth it. I truly believe this is one of the healthiest ways to begin your day, and of course the Swedes came up with it. I recommend lots of seeds and nuts in it to get in your healthy protein which is needed to start the day best. Cente agrees, and his parasites make him want to eat people food, so here he is trying to get some oats, rice puffs and nuts too. If you'd like the recipe, let me know and I'll post it below.

I'm passionate about getting people off sugar and into greater healing. If you want to find great hacks like this to get away from hidden sugar, and to let go of sugar cravings, I'm running my upcoming group parasite cleanse, Fall Back Into Yourself, where we get to come out having a 21 or 30 day break from sugar, and then get rid of bloat, fatigue, anxiety and all kinds of other issues that come from excessive amounts of parasites. We all need these cleanses twice a year. Let's do this in a supportive group where we can accelerate our healing together with the energy of all of us with someone who's been leading these cleanses for 5 years. I'm guiding you all along the way. Here's all the details on this page and I'd love to support you!


The Seasons Change & Following These Cycles to Restorative Health


It’s Been a Long and Conscious Journey To Be Where I’m At Today…