The Dream That Completes the Prayer

When I talk about this way of praying, and being very intentional about our thoughts and how we are wishing things for others, we all need assistance. Around the time I was writing my last blog, “Are You Praying Like This” (please read at link below before this one), I was also struggling with having the proper prayer so to speak about someone who I care about. And in talking with another family about this, I later had a dream. In this dream, I saw this person and I, and another family member all doing something we love together. It was beautiful. Upon awakening, I actually didn’t even remember that we all had this gift and passion for the gift in common. It was such an enormous insight that this dream gave to me. I can now use this visualization from the dream to pray for this person, as I also saw them in a healthier, younger version of themself. 

If you’re thinking, ‘I don’t dream’, or ‘how will I create this kind of a dream’, you’re overthinking it. You may not get a dream about this as you are praying for insight. But you can create a dream in your waking life. We can re-member some past favorite memories of this person. Maybe write a list out of all their traits that are important to them or their achievements, or ways they have impacted you or others in a positive way. From this, create a vision where you see that person doing that thing they love or are good at that brings them peace or joy. And from here, you can let this scene blossom every time they come up and you begin to go into the worry, or negative thinking that you are sending that person. 

This may be challenging at times. Some people in our lives have done awful things to themselves, to others, etc. And it’s difficult. We may want to go into the habitual pattern of seeing them doing the frustrating things that are dragging them down. But remember, we are only human and our brains like patterns. With awareness, we can be gentle with ourselves and slowly begin to peel away from the same mind trap that isn’t serving us or them. 

When we uplift others like this through seeing this highest version of them, we are not only healing ourselves, but we truly are sending out a prayer to them, and helping heal the world. This is one of the most powerful practices you can do to bring in and create world peace. 

In Blessings & Gratitude,

Korenna (Tanya)


Current Lion’s Gate Energies & Transmission


Are You Praying Like This?