Are You Praying Like This?

So many of us have good intentions and want to pray for our loved ones. We also often pray for others without even thinking about it. We may worry about those we care about, and without thinking, we can also be sending them negative energy without realizing it or thinking about it. It’s hard to sometimes face that we do this, but all things begin with awareness. Are you worrying about someone in your family or community? Or is there someone who has really struggled with something and you are seeing them at a lower standard? If so, the thing is, we aren’t helping them if we’re doing this. It can be challenging when a loved one is going through  something for a long time, or when we have a cultural belief around their issue or their situation. 

For example, we could have a friend who is going through cancer treatment. We may not believe that the route they are taking with healing is the best one, and we may see them getting sicker or even dying. While some of this is normal to think through all situations, if we are constantly worrying and thinking of them sick and getting worse, we’re actually sending that belief and energy towards them. It doesn’t mean we’re a bad person for doing this, but this is something we need to gain awareness of so we can change our thoughts. We need to see our friend instead in a better place, and see them healthy again and feeling peaceful. There are so many times that we think about others, and really we are praying, we just may not call it that. 

Here’s another example of how we could be praying for someone and sending them unwanted energy that isn’t benefiting them and their highest good: A family member is struggling to get a job and they keep getting the wrong kind of job, and feel stuck in a low paying cycle and with a boss that doesn’t appreciate them. We may be praying they get a new job and it’s a better one, but we may still see them in a low paying job, not seeing that they could progress beyond this. Who have you kept limited in your mind? 

Again, as we begin to have more awareness of any negative stories we may hold about our loved ones, we may begin to see them in a greater version of themselves. And it is up to that person where they go in life, but at least we can rest assured that we are sending them the most positive energy, praying that they are in, or growing into their best version of themselves. 

With lots of blessings and love,



The Dream That Completes the Prayer


We Are All Energetic Beings