The Capacity of Self-Transcending

Image by mits hak

Image by mits hak


As we make our way through this time in history/herstory, we are all changing and adapting probably quicker than we’ve ever seen before. Did you ever have an experience in time where you were growing as a person, maybe you went off to college and came back, and saw others in your life that didn't seem to have grown like you had? I had this experience when I moved away from Boise for a summer and it appeared my family had been on pause when I returned. Yet I was a completely different person.

Now, none of us have the ability to hide from growth. We all truly have been forced into it, if that was what was needed. I believe we ARE going through The Great Awakening. And it’s a spiritual one. We all have the capacity now to see we are a part of something greater, and the boundaries for each of us continue to expand as we learn and evolve.There is a deeper message I believe Universe/God/Source is providing to us all during this time of expansion here. And that is, we are all souls having a physical experience. Each of us are on our own Hero’s Journey. We get to steer this life and make it the adventure we choose.

And, we may die at any time. Never before in our lifetime, and perhaps never before on Earth, has the whole entire global community realized that we all could be infected by a virus. Yes, it can be frightening when we aren’t ready to die. But, the question is can you make peace with the here after, and that we cannot know when it’s our time? Can you live your greatest life while you are here? And, can you believe that there are alternative and natural solutions to healing the body?These are big questions.

We all get to be on the quest for the Truth, and what resonates with our hearts at this time. I do believe and know the body was designed to heal. I continue to share with those who have lost hope of healing, that our body can and does want to heal. I healed my autoimmune, and all of us know those who have healed from cancer, autoimmune, heart disease, and so many things that the medical establishment says we can’t heal from. We get to choose what information to believe. Sometimes we have to make big changes and it’s a lot of growing spiritually to be able to come out the other side, and feel and sense a renewal.

How can you support yourself even greater at this time? In this time it is important to continue to lean into love, and to really stay balanced with what information we are ingesting. See everything in your life as medicine. What you take in is medicine. While there are divisions being made through the media, I continue to see more people loving one another more greatly than ever. So many people are healing and surviving from this virus. I also see people creating new dreams, being more creative and innovative. What are you dreaming forth? What are you creating? Spend extra attention visualizing your best life possible. As each of us change and shift, we help others to shift and the planet to heal. Anything and everything is possible.

To Your Greatest Life!

Tanya Augusta


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Bringing Life Into Harmony