Action Time With Earth Elements

The seasons are changing again, and the late summer is ruled by the spleen, pancreas and stomach as well as the Earth element in the 5 Element system of Chinese Medicine. Astrologically, we are in the time of Virgo; also an Earth sign, and Virgo is about refinement and rules our health. Additionally, we are going into a Mars Retrograde on September 9th, which is the planet of action and willpower. Retrogrades help intensify a planet’s energies. What does all of this mean? This means now is the time for you to use these energies to make lasting changes with your health, or to do something that you did not and could not before, because you didn’t have the willpower. Use the energies to your advantage! 

Being in the Earth element means we have more of a need to focus on strengthening our spleen, pancreas and stomach organs. Focusing on digestion will strengthen our immunity, and is very important for the coming fall season. Remember that we must strengthen our organs the season before, to have optimal health. The fall is ruled by the lungs and colon. In order to prevent the flu, cold and virus season from being an issue, now is the time for you to prioritize Amma Therapy to boost your immunity and be preventative.

Nutritionally, we will want to focus on reducing sweets, as too much of this impairs the spleens and pancreas’ ability to do their job. The spleen also governs our will, so we have double forces at this time to increase our will to change things in our life for the better. If you are out of balance with your earth element, you could have more of a tendency to worry, obsessive thinking and an inability to come to a decision, resistance to change, nervousness, or being forgetful. If you struggle to have compassion, or are desiring a lot of sympathy from others, there also can be an imbalance. The body shows us physically when we have an imbalance in these organs with sagging muscles, menstrual issues, low blood sugar or high blood sugar issues, sugar cravings, weight gain, digestive issues including loose stools or constipation, skin issues, low energy, and foggy brain. 

Some things to keep in mind to support you during this time are to focus on mindful eating, taking time to meditate and slow down, to integrate a movement practice if you haven’t already done so, and finding ways to nourish yourself in all ways: body, spirit, mind. Food wise, eating the foods of the season such as apples, pears, zucchinis, tomatoes, grapes, and squashes will continue to build the spleen, pancreas and stomach energies. My sessions of Amma or Nutrition Coaching are always working to optimally support your earth element, as well as they are individualized and support the elements you currently have out of balance. Last of all, I have a parasite cleanse to assist you to heal more deeply and this is the time to use the energies to your advantage! Parasite cleanses address out of balance earth elements and you’ll see the details below. 

To Optimal Health!

Tanya Augusta


Fall Into New Habits


The Capacity of Self-Transcending