Bringing Life Into Harmony

Image by Sean Stratton

Image by Sean Stratton


How are you doing? I know for most of us, we are up and down right now. Life has always been so, but we all are collectively going through this in a new way with all the uncertainty. A few days ago we had the new moon, and this brought in some sweeter and softer energies with the Gemini energies of connection, enjoying the moment, communication, playfulness, and looking at things from both sides. There are many other astrological aspects at play, and I share these in my new moon ceremonies monthly, as well as the full moon ceremonies. Venus is also currently in retrograde, and this is placing a big emphasis on our values and really bringing into discernment what they are through our intuition. We are all being asked to really see the dualities play out in the world, and to stay in love as we do so. We can recognize what we are willing to accept and not, and to give a sovereign message of what we do and don’t align to. In order to move forward, we must make choices from our intuition and love, and then create boundaries through our actions and words. This Thursday I will be teaching about how to stay in love and out of fear, how to get our needs met, along with how to observe and not react. Come join my class (see below) on Conscious Communication for Thriving Relationships.

Another way to bring in harmony during this time is through Chinese Medicine. We are still in the spring energy ruled by the liver and gallbladder, and moving into the transition energy between seasons, ruled by the spleen and stomach. All of these organs will need extra attention to maintain a balance. By getting in daily movement, we can support the liver and gallbladder. Mindfulness techniques will also allow us to bend with the spring winds, so to speak, and keep our minds flexible. Mindfulness practices also benefit us when we go into overthinking, which we can do when out of balance in spring and Gemini energies as well. Mindful movement through yoga, Qigong, dance and Tai chi, nature walks, loving a pet or partner, or doing art are the best ways to do this. We need nature now more than ever, and it’s important for us to be outside daily. When we go into fear or our nervous system takes a hit, ground by placing your feet and/or hands onto the earth or onto a tree. 

Detox teas such as dandelion root can also bring our bodies, minds and spirit into further harmony. Warming our digestion first thing in the morning is always needed to stoke the digestive fire. A warm cup of lemon water is another way to get the liver energies flowing daily. To support the spleen and stomach energies, enjoy a full sweet flavor such as baked sweet potato or carrots. These will also be grounding if your nervous system needs some attuning. 

Last of all, as humans in this unique part of history, we are using technology devices and these bring in new complications. It is very important that we create time each day away from our electronic devices, so not only our phones, but our laptops, ipads, kindles and such. This allows the body to again cohere with the Earth energies. As our planet is evolving, we too need to evolve, and this will allow us to tap into our intuition more readily. 

To a Healthy and Vibrant You and Planet,

Tanya Augusta


The Capacity of Self-Transcending


The 3 Keys to Clear Autoimmune, Chronic and Emotional Pain