Are You Properly Nourished? Here’s the Top 3 Tips to Bring in More Nourishment

One of the things that has been on my heart mind recently is that sometimes I haven’t always recommended more supplements or herbal supports to clients. While I always meet clients where they are, sometimes we need an extra push with more nutrition to allow the body to heal at a deeper level. It’s imperative that we innerstand that even those of us who are eating a lot of whole foods including getting in a good amount of healthy proteins, vegetables, some fruit and very little sugar, may still be nutrient deficient. Why? Because we live in a toxic world, and life can go through stressful cycles.

Stress and what that causes to the body can create problems and when we’re in a disharmony cycle, then we often don’t bring in the nourishment that we need with the spleen channel. Our spleen is very important, as it is the yin partner to the yang stomach channel energies. The spleen draws in the nourishment from our food. If it’s not working properly, you won’t draw in all that nutrition from your organic beautiful vegetables and other healthy foods. 

Here are the top three things that you can do to support the spleen energies for optimal nourishment: 1. Eat foods at room temperature, especially if you live in cold regions during the fall/winter/spring colder months. This means no ice, and not having frozen fruit in smoothies. The digestion needs to stay warm, and needs to keep the digestive fire stoked for the spleen to do its job properly. 2. Bring in more awareness around your thinking processes. If you are someone who worries, analyzes, or are either always or in a very studious time, you are taxing the energies of the spleen. To balance this, find mindfulness practices, to allow the body and mind to rest. For me, this is breathwork yoga or Vinyasa yoga or mindful walking or hiking. 3. Focus on only eating when it’s time to eat. So don’t watch TV and eat, or read and eat. Eating with another is great, but be sure to wait until after some digestion before talking about things that are upsetting you. 

So how do you know if you need more assistance with supplements or herbs? If you are seeing me regularly and you continue to have deficiency pulses (especially with all or most of the pulses) after a couple of months. If you are still struggling with a symptom such as persistent insomnia, pain, or some other nagging emotional or physical issue. And especially if you are dealing with what we consider “autoimmune” or “leaky gut”. These are often linked to toxins in the body. But first we need to stabilize you before we detox. So be sure and come in for Amma for a while to get to some healing before we start you on the detox journey. If you have any questions, let’s schedule a consult. In the meantime, be sure and visit my online apothecary for your supplements and let me know if you need an update with muscle testing on dosage. 


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