The 3 Keys to Clear Autoimmune, Chronic and Emotional Pain


We all grew up with notions of ‘pull yourself up by your bootstraps' mentality. When I was younger, I prided myself on being independent, and made sure I could do most everything I needed myself. Sound familiar? Fast forward to my autoimmune diagnosis at age 32, and my healing journey since. Every step of the way where I’ve healed, from going gluten-free, to increasing positive lifestyle choices, has been done well, with the support of others. I have a team of healers that assist me on my journey, and that continue to assist me for preventative health.

We are social creatures, and we can’t deny that it’s with collaboration that we get ahead. In this day and age, it is paramount that we embrace the feminine way of healing. We are no longer in a time where the masculine; being tough and roughing it alone paradigm will help us. This isn’t just for females, it applies to all genders. WE, together lift one another up. In my classes, I share with people how sometimes the reason we are sick is because of isolation, or not enough positive social interaction.

The first golden key to health is to embrace receiving from others, and to feel included with the group. (Yes in these times it may mean through phone or being on Zoom together).

The second golden key to clearing our pain is looking at food choices. Nutrition is the foundation to heal, and to nourish our bodies and mind. I’m dispelling the myths and teaching what foods feed chronic pain and trauma, and which make us well. We can learn new habits to cultivate a path to achieve optimum wellness, with eating whole foods. If you haven’t made the shifts you’d like yet, I can be your guide.

The last thing about chronic pain, autoimmune and emotional pain, is that this condition we have accumulates in early childhood. We block some of this out as a coping mechanism, and muddle our way through life with a lot of baggage from our families. These are the beliefs and incorrect notions about ourselves and the world. When we get to adulthood, we repeat familial patterns. Then, we use addictions and distractions to calm and block out the pain. This doesn’t work for long, because the body eventually gives us a wake up call through a breakdown in order to heal. Along the healing road, we start seeing our untrue beliefs, but they tend to be hard to get rid of.

Letting limiting beliefs and ancestral patterns go is the third golden key to clearing the pain, and finding happiness. This is something that I searched for over a couple years, until I found an energy clearing modality that I call my Transformation Coaching. There is so much more to share with you about how our early conditioning leads to frustrating patterns that consume our lives and keep us from being our highest potential. When we have body pain, we have mental and emotional pain, and vice versa.

If you have been struggling with any of the three keys, I have a class for you! In my Banish Blues, Blood Sugar Issues and Emotional Eating, I teach in-depth about how you can get out of pain and get back to a life where you are able to focus on your family, enjoy downtime, and are able to create and achieve your goals. When we aren’t trudging through frustrations and pain, we can shift. And you can make the life you truly desire.

Flowing With the Changes,

Tanya Augusta


Bringing Life Into Harmony


Taking the Sweetest Care