Taking the Sweetest Care

Image by Joanna Kosinska

We are living in Renaissance Times. We have been jolted into what some are calling The Great Pause. Never before has the world slowed down so much, enough for each of us to hear our own heartbeat. And this is what is being asked of us. To listen to what we feel and hear inside of us. What is beating? What is coming up for us? And yes, there are fears and feelings to dive into. We’ve all been thrown into a whitewater rafting experience, and we are in class 5 rapids. Some of us are terrified, others have been feeling moments of fright, while at other times glimpsing into the greatest life we could imagine. It’s a roller coaster of emotions and some of us may not feel grounded, feeling like we are still riding the waves. For others, we are experiencing more of the come down after crashing onto the shore. Our bodies are on dry land, but we still feel like we are in the water, as it reverberates in our body and head.

We are struck with a gift at this time, and it’s to become authentic with ourselves. Being with ourselves in totality allows us to gain sight into what we truly want ourselves and our lives to look like. While some people are not working, others are more than ever, perhaps juggling work from home and helping children with school work. Whatever challenges you are facing, they are the initiation for you. We are still in the beginning of the Aquarian age. The Aquarius archetype leads us away from a time when we looked to our society or family to save us. During the Piscean Age that we are coming out of, divisiveness ruled, and we were taught to look to others to blame.

We are all coming out of this programming, and recognizing that we must take individual responsibility. We must be responsible for our feelings and not project them on to others, or blame others for those uncomfortable ones. We must see that our expectations often disappoint us, and we can have good intentions that can also not always go as planned. Whew. There is deep work being asked of us. That programming can be cleared out with my Ancestral Energy Clearing (Transformation Coaching). For many, seeing what is coming up is scary, and extremely uncomfortable.

As creatures of habit, we can turn to what has helped us in times of uncertainty in the past. These are often food, entertainment, sleep, procrastination, entertaining stories of doubt, shopping, and using other ways to distract or numb ourselves. A couple weeks after the virus hit when the grocery stores put in the plexiglass in front of the cashiers, I was devastated. It broke my heart that I could no longer have the meaningful exchange with my cashier. The wall that had been built scared me. It threw me into so much emotional pain that the next day I developed a migraine and had to sleep over half the day away. It’s okay that we are all in pain with this. We are going to be. And, I’m here to tell you that we also don’t want to, and don’t have to stay in the pain for too long. There are dreams for each of us to build! We get to make the world a better world. The Great Pause is asking you to dream your greatest dream. What will it be? How can you make your unique contribution to this beautiful planet?

Because we know that as we are all healing, and the earth is healing, we may have a moment to do something different. What do you like that you are experiencing that you didn’t have before? Working from home feels more ideal? Perhaps your workplace can allow this three days a week going forward. Finally cooking and taking the time to plan healthier meals? This can be your new normal. Meditating or reading a book for pleasure? Yes!! We must say Yes to all of this.

Through this time of healing, I am still here for you and open for business. I am treating a few clients with Amma to allow their bodies to stay out of pain, and to boost their immunity. I’ve always maintained high cleanliness standards, but I am taking extra measures in these times. Additionally, I offer Life Coaching, Nutrition Coaching and Business Coaching over Zoom or phone. (See my specials for those who are furloughed). Are you ready to create a new routine? Do you need help in finding your way through your shadows to feel like you can thrive once again? Are you ready to take the risk you’ve been holding back from? How are you loving yourself?

Ready to Serve and Holding You in Your Brilliance,

Tanya Augusta


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