Do You Do This To Sabotage Yourself Too?

What are the coping skills that have kept you stuck? I kept myself busy for a long time. The pattern of keeping busy kept me from upleveling in several ways. It kept me from stepping into greater abundance, but also from taking the time to look at a pattern I was doing to myself on a subconscious level. This pattern was a coping mechanism I used to feel safe. What had worked to make sense of my world and the chaos I felt as a child was still replaying most of my adult life. Many of us use these childhood coping patterns as adults and they keep us stuck in painful loops. As I continued in this, it kept me also playing small. It kept me from getting to my larger vision, and kept me from becoming the person I wanted to be. Why? Because there is also a fear of success that many of us have operating at a subconscious level, and it can be a deeply entrenched belief that thinks that we’ll be alone and not accepted if we are successful. 

While many people want to achieve great things, many people who do achieve success are also scrutinized, criticized and sometimes people feel those at the top (or who have money) think they’re better than others. But what’s often actually true, is they have grit and determination, and they haven’t stopped trying because they know what they are bringing to the world is of great value, and they want so badly to bring this to more people. As the social creatures we are, we need to feel a part of the pack, so if we believe success equals being ostracized or being an outcast, then we will sabotage our plans to remain safe and be accepted. This can lead us into a world of resentment and envy though if we don’t take the risk and look at our shadows. Has any of this rang true for you so far? What is your greatest dream? Have you stepped towards it? 

It can be scary to believe our dreams matter. It can be scary to actually believe we can achieve our greatest dreams. But each person who has brought some great song, some great art piece, a great speech or great leadership to the world had to take that courage, creative plunge and risk staying in comfort. What beliefs are getting in your way? We all do things to sabotage ourselves subconsciously, and I’m passionate about letting these go so we can uplevel. Let me assist you with stepping into a new path either through my Affluence Mindset Upgrade group or individual sessions of Ancestral Energy Clearing if you are ready to let go of family beliefs and coping patterns that are keeping you small and keeping you from stepping into your dreams. We can lead a life of our greatest dreams. You are so worthy and deserving! Let’s Upgrade!

To You and Your Highest Potential,



Balancing Summer Heat


The “I Don’t Know” Rut