The “I Don’t Know” Rut

Have you ever had life test you by giving you something you liked, but at the same time after a while you weren’t sure of it? And I’m talking about the bigger things in life like a relationship, a career or job, a large project you oversaw with work or that you studied at University, or a health challenge where you had to find the right doctor or person that was to assist you. As you were going through this shift where you thought it was the best thing ever (“I got my dream job!”), to the reality of what it was becoming, you may have perhaps started to say to others in your inner circle, “I don’t know if this is the right job for me”, or “I don’t know if this was the right move.” And if you were like me, this ‘I don’t know’ became a mantra. As is often the case, at least for me, I know deep down when I say “I don’t know”, that it’s probably not for me. Or that I really do know. But most likely, a part of me doesn’t want to face the Truth, or see the reality unfolding. Because things went sideways, and that wasn’t part of the plan. A part of me wants to stay in comfort, or what’s easy or familiar ground. But the truth is that this isn’t the right house, the right doctor, the right relationship, etc. and I have to have the courage to admit it, own it and then end it and start over. All the while a part of me is tantruming like a child saying “oh just try to make it work”, and kicking its legs on the floor screaming, “this sucks!!”

This familiarity is really old conditioning that says, “this is good enough”, “I’m okay with this”, “It’ll be okay for now”, “well maybe this, maybe that”, and you list all the reasons you should stay because you’ve invested time or money or some form of energy here. But if you’re listening to that inner voice within you, you notice you are shoulding yourself. Hmmmm. In times like these, we are being faced with a life test to stay stuck in old programming and beliefs that limit us. These old programs are from our families and society, and they run us in loops, keeping us from playing bigger. It’s really us reacting from fear, and a scarcity mindset. And it’s okay, because we all do it. Life tests us. It asks us if this is what we TRULY wanted. And sometimes when we set out, we didn’t have the bigger vision and didn’t know what else could be or was possible.

Often times, we are just stuck in generational patterns and falling into traps that continue to limit us. But these patterns can be changed. We have to want the painful cycles to stop, and we have to want to shift them badly enough. Awareness is our first key to this. And then from our awareness, we can confront ourselves. To do this takes courage, and sometimes even a leap of faith. And then we need our support team: our friends, family and maybe even a coach. If you are feeling the need to make a shift, and you want help with this transformation, I assist people to remove these unwanted familial and early life programming. I help you let go of generational patterns that are stuck in your body through Ancestral Energy Clearing. By removing these, you are free to step out of family patterns that keep you playing small, and keep you from your bigger goals and dreams. When we say “I don’t know”, most of the time, we really do know. If you’re ready to make that leap, let’s set up a Connect Call so I can share with you how my Ancestral Energy Clearing can help you step out of a painful cycle where life’s just mediocre, and into your highest vision of yourself where you are ultimately thriving and living in fulfillment.


Do You Do This To Sabotage Yourself Too?


Sukshma is Pranayama