Balancing Summer Heat

Summer is upon us! The summer in Chinese Medicine is ruled by the fire element. The heat of summer affects each of us differently according to our star makeup. We will want to balance too much heat so as not to cause excessive fire in our bodies, that can result in patterns of yin deficiency. Our yin allows us to rest, to stay full of water, creating a supple and healthy body.

This fire element also relates to our ability to find joy and pleasure in life. Here are ways to see if your fire element is out of balance: If you lack joy, or are overly happy, if emotions aren’t able to flow, you have low energy, lack creativity, or you don’t feel tapped into your intuition. Since wood feeds fire in the five element system, the ideas you have (from wood), are taken and used to create, and carry forth the ideas. From here the fire and creative outlets you do make earth, (as fire feeds earth), so things become manifested. If you are unable to carry out your ideas, you may need some rebalancing with bodywork to attune your body and manifest your desires.

The fire element governs the organs of the heart, pericardium,Triple Heater, and small intestine. Our circulation, blood flow, sexual secretions and our ability to maintain our digestive fire and heat throughout the body, all relate to these organs being in harmony. The small intestine is very important for the assimilation of our food as well. Eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies is always supportive to our intestines, and we can eat more fresh during this season. Avoiding more of the phlegm/damp/mucus forming foods such as dairy, breads, sugar and too much meat will support the small intestine. Enjoying the bitter flavor will also assist your fire element organs. Be careful not to overdo any flavor though, as this can also imbalance the organs.

If you weren’t able to care for your body during the spring, this too can bring imbalance to your fire organs. The spring is ruled by the liver and gallbladder, and any disharmonies with these organs also can influence your health in the summer. If you tend to get sick in the autumn, getting extra bodywork and nutrition care during the summer months will be imperative to strengthen the fire, to assist the earth element of late summer, and then assist the metal element ruled by fall.

Getting movement in is always vital, and the breathwork yoga that I do now is very helpful for heart health and emotional resilience. Getting in walks, bike rides, swimming, and dancing are all great activities for this time of year. Be careful to not get too much summer heat, and drink coconut water which is full of electrolytes when you are out in the sun for extended periods.

If you are ruled as a fire sign in Chinese Astrology, you radiate warmth, love new ventures and change, as well as you are often drawn to work with metaphysics and healing.

Want to know what your primary element and animal are? Type Yes below and I’ll share with you, as you probably have been thinking your year animal is your main one, and that is not so!

Blessings of Joy and Summer Radiance,



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