Sukshma is Pranayama

The word yoga can mean so many things to different people. In Sukshma Vyayama, breathwork yoga like I teach, also known in the branch of yoga called pranayama, the focus is on breathing (and can be with or without an asana). The goal is to regulate the nervous system, and increase our immunity through building up the respiratory system. This means this is specifically helpful to the mental, emotional and spiritual body. I got into this yoga after my last long term partner and I split up, and it was my saving grace. Every week, I looked forward to class and being able to let go and heal my emotional body.

In Sukshma, there are specific asanas that also correlate to different organ systems, and there can be specific classes where I focus more on digestion, upper or lower body, and therefore, we stretch and strengthen the physical body as well. The really cool thing about this form is not only that it helps strengthen the emotional body, but that it can be used in place of resistance weight training, as you can build muscle and do exercises that are like PT for the body, preventing carpal tunnel or healing an ankle injury like I have. There are many anti-aging benefits to this particular form, and we even work to heal the eyes, ears, teeth and gums, and throat. So these can correlate to assisting with thyroid, liver, and all the different organ imbalances, just like I assist and see in my Amma Therapy practice.

I’m looking forward to serving more people with these practices. Tuesdays I have an in person class at 5:30pm in downtown Boise. On Thursdays I have an online class at 8am you can do from the comfort of your home. To learn more go to: or go to the schedule to sign up!

I’m looking forward to releasing old patterns with you!



The “I Don’t Know” Rut


Spring Energetics 2022