Shedding the Old, Rebirthing the New

Photo by Taylor Wright

Photo by Taylor Wright


A time of two eclipses, and two powerful and intense moons, the first a new moon in Capricorn, followed by the full moon in Cancer. These are the guardians at the gates to bring us into this New Year, and New Decade. The energies of this from an astrological point of view are about shedding and healing our shadows, and healing the matrilineal lines. Pluto represents shadows, and it’s conjunction with Saturn allows us to crystallize the unconscious. This will take diligence to do, as the unconscious currents can drive us, and we may not be aware. Because this full moon on January 10th is in Cancer, not only does this represent the mother, but this is also about healing our relationship to food. This is a time of deep nourishment and healing on a soul level as we move forward.

The word nourish comes from French meaning ‘long stem’, as well as in Latin it’s root is ‘to feed’. How do we promote growth, feed and sustain ourselves for this coming year? For many years to come even? Everything is holistic, as we know. Our mind, emotions, spiritual needs, and the physical, all interplay. In Chinese Medicine, we talk about the concept of li proceeds qi. Li is the idea, and qi is energy; where we bring it into physical form. The root of all of what comes about in our life is from the ideas that we have and that we inherit, and how we choose to think. Mindset is powerful, and we truly are the creators of our life.

Because of the energies of these moons and eclipses, my body has been needing to awaken around 3am, and I have stayed awake for usually an hour to an hour and a half each night. While this has caused me to need to sleep in a little later, I have decided not to attach a story to this. We are all storytellers, and we can make up whatever stories we want. I could choose to tell myself and others that I’m experiencing insomnia. But, I don’t feel I am. I’m not feeling some issues in my life that’s causing an imbalance that would awaken me in the night. And, I am using curiosity to lean into this experience, and learn more about why this pattern is happening. Do you see how this could become something that I worry about, and cause an imbalance from? Instead, I choose to create a different experience, where I still stand in my conviction that I am healthy, whole, and all is well.

When we see things from the root, and it’s growth- like that long stem, we can feel purposeful. We can recognize that with every time we have a negative thought, (and we will), that we can recognize it, let it go, and choose to focus on something positive and uplifting. Yes, some of us have inner saboteurs and patterns that make this more of a challenge.

If you are finding that you want support in this area, my Affluence Mindset Upgrade group is forming and will begin on January 20th. Affluence means an abundant flow or flowing toward a point. There are so many ways that we can bring in affluence. We can bring in more health, more ease, gentler and easier relationships, and more abundance in material forms. My group is created to assist you in letting go of the distractions, limiting beliefs and patterns, from your family and early childhood. I will be doing an energy clearing at the end of every call, and you will be learning more ways to upgrade and be attuned to the frequency of abundance.

There is a private FB page you will be in, to share your successes, as well as post questions and get community support. This group will meet once a month over Zoom (an on-line classroom), and the investment is $47. You can come and go at any time, and this will be recorded, so you don’t have to make it to the live call. This is a way for you to shift, and continue nourishing and promoting what serves you into stepping into the best version of yourself that you can be.I’d love for you to be a part of this community, and to become the change! We all are afraid of how powerful we can be, and are. Each month I will unpack more tools to assist you in shifting and it will be an exciting and powerful 2020. I can’t wait to see you in there!

The Affluence Mindset Upgrade is a monthly group where you get a 1 hour class with a ½ hour Q&A at the end. This private group is only $47 per month, and on Zoom so you can join from your home or office. You can join and leave at any time! I created this because we all get to rise up together.

What you will get:

  • Teachings on Affluence and Mindset and tools to use to create this in your life

  • Energy Clearings to allow the old limiting beliefs and traumas to be released

  • Bringing in Abundance to assist you in your mission and making permanent changes

  • A private FB group where you will have support from me and others in the group

  • Our first group is January 20th 12pm MST

  • To join pay through and then you will be invited into the group and receive the link for our first call!

    Here’s what one of my clients said about working with me:

    "Tanya's intuition and experience helps her to quickly pinpoint roots of trauma and limiting beliefs and to clean them out effectively. She gives down-to earth explanations and helpful advice. I worked with Tanya on my position of being very averse to becoming a mother. I wanted my decision to have or not have children to be based on a clear and enlightened choice, one not to be burdened by fears or inherited beliefs. Over the months after this work, I had several dreams where I held the hand of a child and felt fully at peace. I can now make this important life choice with an open heart." -Amanda S

    If you are ready to step into your best version of yourself, I’d love to be your guide through this time. Here’s to you living to your greatest potential!


    Tanya Starlight


Learning to Lay Down the Sword


Walking the Line