Walking the Line


It’s a fine line to walk when we are trying to get well or make a change in life to acknowledge what is, but also recognize we are changing and surrendering an old way of being that is no longer serving us. Especially when we are in pain, whether it’s emotional or physical, we can feel like it’s hard to not keep putting the attention on the pain. And of course, to an extent we have to. Our body is screaming at us because we aren’t or haven’t been listening to something that it’s been trying to tell us. We’ve often come up with all the excuses, and been putting off that which we can no longer deny.

We feel we have no time, no money, no support, not the right guidance, and so on and so forth. And certainly we do need help to get us out of this mess. First of all, we need to slow down and recognize that this is an opportunity to learn about ourselves, and learn to love ourselves and care for ourselves like we have never done or known before. We are going to have to stretch to a point that looks and feels scary. And this is why we’ve been resisting. But I promise, when we lean in to this love and self-care, we will only grow in our health, and the pain will be shed more easily.

To get out of pain, there are tools we will need along the way. Often, we don’t know what those are. After we start asking and looking, they will come to us. The right people to guide us will show up. The tools we need to overcome our obstacles will appear, and right when we are ready. This can sound easy, but it’s the mind chatter that will stop us. And that’s the fine line that we need to shift. The line where we finally recognize that we can’t say all the time, “I’ve always been a person with heartburn, etc.” Yes, you do get to know that has been your reality, and this has been terrible and so painful. And, finally it’s your time to stop telling that story, but acknowledge the pain this has caused and that it hurt, both physically and emotionally. You do get to and need to feel to come out the other side of this. Release the grief of all that you’ve been through. This is the work!

After this process, we get to start looking at the way we are operating and change the story. We get to be a new person that will allow more happiness, peace and love in. This can feel a little scary, because different can be scary. But, the shifts will allow spaciousness, and the new you to be born.

There’s nothing wrong with any of this process. We all go through this, and are at any part on this spectrum. Although it’s challenging to be faced with it, there’s nothing more powerful than coming out the other side. My wish for you is to get there. Because when you do, (and you will), you will be living and doing the personal work, the mission that you came here to do.

Mindset isn’t easy to come by. We have many things that can get in our way, including old limiting beliefs and familial patterns that are and have been following us around. And because they are dinosaurs, their time has come to move on. That’s where I come in. In my Affluence Mindset Groups, you will learn how to dissolve the mind chatter to where fear is less present, and love is the champion.

This New Year’s day I’m offering my Affluence Mindset Group 2020 Attunement and this first one is free! In it, I’ll be doing an energy clearing where I’ll be taking away beliefs and ancestral patterns that aren’t yours. This is a way to experience my Transformation Coaching in a group setting. I want you to be your most powerful self. Are you ready to become the best version of yourself? If so, let’s go!

Warmest New Year Wishes,



Shedding the Old, Rebirthing the New


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