Learning to Lay Down the Sword
Photo by Paolo Nicolello
Life doesn’t happen to us, it happens through us. Have you heard this before? How does this resonate with you in this now? When we have trauma in our field, and we continue to get triggered by situations that seem negative and out of our control, we can feel like life is happening to us. We may feel attacked, discouraged, even depressed.
I’ve shared before, but my life has not been an easy journey. And don’t get me wrong, it has had a lot of good too, especially as I’ve grown older. But I struggled for many years with feelings of disconnection. At the root, I didn’t feel supported by Universe/God/Source, and I was scared, and blocked financially.Usually once a month, I’d have a meltdown where I would cry, and feel utterly and totally discouraged. This often coincided with the full moon, incidentally. My discouragement stemmed from the hard work I did and not seeing the desired results. I’m not one to give up. And, as a business owner, even into my 5th year and beyond, I wasn’t where I wanted to be. I was serving people, and helping them with their health, and it was satisfying. But I wasn’t able to work with as many people as I wanted. This was difficult, and it pained me that I wasn’t making it financially, or helping as many people as I wanted to. When I had a meltdown, I felt alone, betrayed by the Universe, and I was in so much pain from feeling the work wasn’t being recognized. I didn’t want to go on. I knew I wanted to keep serving people with their health and healing, but I didn’t want to be here anymore. It was too hard, and I had been the true warrior. It was a deeply painful and sad place to be. It’s hard to share this.
I had to learn to lay down my sword. I learned I didn’t have to fight anymore to make it. But, that’s all I seemed to know. Try as hard as you can in everything, and get the reward. This was what I learned, and it’s the American story to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. Hard work does pay off in some respects, but it doesn’t help you find deep fulfillment, or joy, and money doesn’t flow to you when you are feeling shut off and unsupported. Maybe this is you? I don’t want people to stay in pain as long as I did. And we don’t have to.
We now know that ancestral patterns can be passed down from our parents, and that these are written into our DNA. But, they can also be cleared out. And, our beliefs can be shifted, at a deep level, where before we thought we had the right affirmations, but even saying and thinking we’d convinced ourselves wasn’t enough.When I was going through my dark times, I prayed for help, and I found a coach who could help me. The energy work I did with her shifted those patterns where I had those monthly meltdowns, and that extreme longing to move on from this world. And it’s never been back. You see, it was never all of my pain. Ancestral trauma is carried down, and we carry it around with us. I have always been a positive person, but some things kept showing up and repeating. We can attract situations that can continue to be painful, which are often some of the same things we saw from caregivers in early childhood or trauma from then. I knew when I shifted, and that it stuck (it’s been a year and a half now), I had to learn this to share with others. In December of 2018, I became certified in the Conscious Reality Creation Method.
I now share this with my Transformation Coaching as a way to let go of these ways of being that no longer serve us, and that keep us stuck. Old trauma and patterns can keep us in body pain, in relational cycles that are unhealthy, in deep hurt where we can feel suicidal ideation, or even attracting the same experiences with challenges in our career, or people we work with. And of course, not being able to attract abundance. We can transform. Life can happen through us. We can consciously choose a new story.I’m offering my 2020 Affluence Mindset Upgrade group to all of you now. In this group, I teach mindset skills to keep your vibrations up, and to stay strong and make the changes. I also do an energy clearing for the group, where we let go of ancestral patterns that are keeping us stuck. This will allow in more abundance in health, relationships, to be more creative or start a project we have long dreamed of, or to have more income to do the things we love.
I’ve made this group simple. The group is recorded so that you can watch the replay in case you can’t come in live. In it, you’ll get a 1 hour class with a ½ hour Q&A at the end. This private group is only $47 per month, and on Zoom so you can join from your home or office. In addition, I have a private FB group that you can be in to get support, ask questions and learn from one another.
This starts this Monday, January 20th at 12pm MST. We will meet every 3rd Monday of the month.
I’d love for you to join us! If you feel called to join, click here: https://mailchi.mp/c5b54aa66149/affluenceupgrade2020 and then you will be invited into the group and receive the link for our first call!
Here’s what one of my clients said about working with me:
"Tanya's intuition and experience helps her to quickly pinpoint roots of trauma and limiting beliefs and to clean them out effectively. She gives down-to earth explanations and helpful advice. I worked with Tanya on my position of being very averse to becoming a mother. I wanted my decision to have or not have children to be based on a clear and enlightened choice, one not to be burdened by fears or inherited beliefs. Over the months after this work, I had several dreams where I held the hand of a child and felt fully at peace. I can now make this important life choice with an open heart." -Amanda S.
If you are ready to step into your best version of yourself, I’d love to be your guide through this time. Here’s to you living to your greatest potential!
Tanya Starlight