Roots and Trees: What’s it Got to do With Being Human?

Image by Cody Fitzgerald

I’m going to share with you something that was very deeply and profoundly meaningful to me, that I haven’t shared with anyone before now. In 2019, as I spent my last fall day in Lowman before winterizing our cabin, I said goodbye to the mountains and trees on my hike, and I was astonished by the answer I received from the trees. I wasn’t astonished they were communicating with me, because this is something I do. What was profound was that this entire mountain of hundreds and hundreds of trees on the other side of the creek from me, was all in unison pulsating the same message to me. They were telling me without words and in some sense I can’t quite describe, that they were with me; they were supporting me, and stand beside me no matter what. They were letting me know, ‘I’ve got this’, and they were an army of trees that could protect me from anything. For me, it was a deeply spiritual moment, and I’ve known even more how connected we All are ever since. 

When things came about with the lockdown in 2020, I knew because of this communication from the trees, I and we All would be well, and were deeply supported. I knew Mama Gaia was resilient, and this was a special time for humanity. And in this specific time astrologically, our nervous systems are being put on alert because of the Uranus and Mars conjunction. Uranus has aspects of shock, and Mars is the planet of action and independence. This is hitting us all at different times, and we may feel shaken, sensitive, or be triggered by old traumas, stories and doubts. But there are tools to help us in these times, to help us reconnect. 

I often re-mind us, Nature Heals You. And we can always look to nature to assist us in replenishing, helping our mind reset, and calming our physical bodies and spirit. We can go outside and gaze at trees, flowers and plants, and we can use grounding or earthing. This is where we touch the ground with our bare palms, feet, hug a tree, or literally dig in the earth with our hands, or garden. Our human bodies are so closely linked and similar to trees in an auspicious way, as you can see from this image above. Grounding helps us to get closer to our innate abilities to be intuitive, and to listen to the subtle cues of the world around us. 

When our body systems are put on high alert, we are receiving a message. And the message is to stop and to do self-care. Unless we are truly needing to run from that perceived lion that is chasing us, it is an opportunity to go within and find what we are needing. The body always speaks. We can start by taking deep breaths, use essential oil such as lavender to calm us, find a calming tea to make, or take time out from a stressful situation or obligation. Perhaps we need to eat or drink more water. Whatever the need is, we have to listen, and follow through. When we don’t listen, we fall into more pain, and the pattern continues to happen more often. We must be like the trees, and go to the root of the problem. For us, our roots are internal, and it means to listen to what is going on within. This is not listening to the mind, which likes to tell stories, and likes to work alongside the ego and put everything including ourselves and our loved ones into right and wrong camps. We are allowing things to bubble up to flow and noticing and letting the stories go. This is a practice of meditation and calming oneself. When we notice and put attention to the stress response to alleviate it, we are practicing self love. And there is no greater thing we can be doing for ourselves, our loved ones or our planet then putting self love into practice. 

Rooting for You! 

Tanya Augusta 


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