What I See as the Root Problem the World is Facing

Image by Kaylah Matthews

This is a tumultuous time in herstory/history, and many of us feel we are facing darkness, are in fear about the state of the world, and this precious planet. Along with this is an existential anxiousness and angst. This all matters deeply because WE ALL care. And as I’ve explored along my journey in the answers to why we experience pain, I continue to look for root causes. 

In my searching I have found one of the reasons we experience so much suffering is that we often don’t know our authentic self. To illustrate I’ll share an example from my own experience. Some years ago, I was in a long-term monogamous relationship with a man. He had grown up with religion, and his beliefs had hindered what I later learned was a top value of his: sex. Because this was such a strong need and value for him, and because he had so much shame around his sexual nature, he sought outlets that weren’t of the highest good for our agreements. At the same time, he wanted to maintain what he felt was a “right” way to be in society, being with one woman and finding happiness in that. While he had learned a lot about himself, he didn’t know his top values, and didn’t understand that if he couldn’t get his needs met, that he would look to other sources outside of the relationship. When he and I had entered into our relationship, we had the conversation about what we wanted and had agreed to monogamy. This was a person in their 40’s, but because of conditioning, he didn’t know parts of himself that he needed to know. Instead, shame filled him when he looked to his needs and values, and so he brushed it aside. As our relationship continued, he began to gain courage to look at himself and be okay with the person he was. In the end, he found that he wanted and needed a polyamorous relationship. Because that clashed with my values and needs, we chose to end the relationship.

You can imagine the anguish I felt when things began to unravel in the last year we were together. While I don’t blame him for not knowing his authentic nature, this caused him and I both a lot of suffering. Of course, all of us know stories either from our pasts and from our loved ones that have similar patterns of suffering. If only we knew ALL the parts of ourselves, and could accept ourselves, then we would have less of this. Are there parts of yourself you’d like to face? Parts that you’d like to discover? Parts of yourself you want to be courageous enough to explore and to share with your loved ones? I’m passionate about being our authentic self. This time in history/herstory calls for no other greater thing than for EACH of us to find this. Your unique blueprint is what will be needed in the coming days, months and years to bring what we ALL need! This to me is the answer!! 

If you’d like help on your heroes quest, and if you found yourself saying Yes to any of those questions, then let’s set up a free Clarity call so I can help you step into The Greatest and BEST version of YOU: Your Authentic Self!! 

Tanya Augusta


Roots and Trees: What’s it Got to do With Being Human?


Winter’s Energetics