What Will a Metal Yin Ox Year Bring Us?

Image by Ana Cernivec

Image by Ana Cernivec


Welcome to the Year of the Ox! This powerful yet calm creature is heralding the Chinese New Year, which began it’s solar cycle on February 3rd, 2021, and it’s coming lunar cycle on February 12th. The lunar New Year is when we will hear and see the celebrations with most of the world. The solar cycle indicates when the actual energies shift into the new ones. So the 3rd is truly the new start of our annual cycle. This Ox year is also a metal element and a yin year. 

What will a Metal Yin Ox bring us? With the hard work and steadfast attitude of the ox, we can find ourselves plodding ahead, and working towards precision with our endeavors. Metal is about the beauty of something refined over time. It can also indicate a tendency towards becoming rigid, and we will want to find was to balance staying centered in our heart, and not in the mind/ego. Being methodical like the ox, and being willing to carry a heavy load, we can come out ahead and persevere. Working in a team will be needed, and we will do our best when we inspire confidence in others. Let us not forget within reasonable boundaries, to keep our loyalty to those who have helped us along our way. With planning, being honest and straight-forward, we can get the job done, and eventually we will create the pearl.

Be level-headed like the ox when making decisions, and continue to use steadiness and discipline to create the groundwork for what you will need now and in the years to come. We can learn to adapt when we know all things come in their own time, and we keep a balanced and calm attitude, as the ox so elegantly shows us.

Yin is slow moving, and about using our feminine receptivity. That means cultivating energy through going within to find our answers, and even by resting and using more visualization to make progress towards our goals. We will be rewarded for all of our energy in an Ox year. 

The best way to keep up our confidence like the Ox in the year of 2021 will be to continue following our passions, find ways to nourish ourselves through self-love and self-care practices, and use our tenacity when faced with problems. We will be happy to take responsibility for what is needed this year, as we know with determination any obstacle will be met, and with a positive mindset, anything can be achieved. Gung Hay Fat Choy! (Happy New Year!) 

To Your Greatest Life! 

Tanya Augusta 


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