Operating Out of Our Trauma Selves

How aware of your shadow selves are you? I think many of you see and know of them. At times, maybe we don’t want to deal with them, but at least recognize we have it. Sometimes we are also completely unaware. For me, as part of what seems to be a poignant part of my astrology; my star makeup, I am very aware of these shadows when they come up. I see their hideous self looking at me cross-eyed, like a boogeyman, and I also see that it’s of my own making. Inwardly I’m not impressed, but also ready to take on this assignment. In seeing that shadow, I know I have to examine and come to some kind of resolution and make it right (usually with the other person first, and then myself). Many feelings come up, depending on the situation, with a heavy dose of guilt that seems to be coated in a layer of horrible tasting reality check. I usually fixate on it, creating an energy leak as wide as the Grand Canyon chasm. And then, still I have to really mull something over in my mind to fully grasp and come to some sooner version of reconciliation. It’s a lot of processing and energy. And it takes me a long time to get to settling my shen, (as we call it in Chinese Medicine), or my heart and emotional/mental body. 

As I look around and wonder why we do the things we do, I see that we all react from our trauma selves. Especially when we are reactive, or do things we are ashamed of later, or wish we had done differently. We’re all working on these things all the time. Sure we get breaks, but it’s not long before another situation presents itself to us from God/Source/Universe/soul/higher self, that tests us again. It seems to me our souls are wanting us to work on staying present, and to see if we want to make the changes; no matter how difficult. And sometimes we don’t even know what it is that needs changing. We just know we need to stop reacting, or falling into the same patterns, or feeling the same way that’s super uncomfortable. 

When I was at my wits end about some situations that kept coming to me over and over again relating to my trauma patterns, I prayed for help. And as prayers always work, I was answered with a method from a coach that changed my trajectory forever. I now call this my Ancestral Energy Clearing. There are many layers to trauma, I talk about this in my YouTube video that I’ll share below if you haven’t already seen it. But one thing that is at the root of this is a lie that we are all separate, that we have to go it alone, when we really can turn our problems over to God/our higher self, our angels and guides and ask them to help us sort this out. When we truly Trust, we are able to find peace. When that spaciousness arises through really knowing we are always supported, then we find the solutions, and we get the miracles. 

If you are needing more support around any challenges that keep recurring in your life, or a pattern that you are ready to let go of, I have two options for you. I have 1-1 coaching to assist you with these patterns, as well as a monthly Affluence Mindset Upgrade group. In this group, I do energy clearing for the group. Generational patterns are released, as well as earlier childhood and adulthood traumas that you’re ready to let go of. And we work on mindset: shifting our thoughts, words and actions to align with what we truly want, instead of falling into the same patterns. I teach embodiment techniques to go along with this. This is a great complement to any other modality you are also doing to let things go from the physical and emotional/mental body, such as with Amma or Nutrition Coaching. Click on the link below to register for this. My next Affluence Mindset Upgrade Group is every second Thursday at 7pm MDT, and it’s recorded, so if you can’t make it you can watch the replay later. Wishing you a smooth process of loving yourself more deeply. 



To learn more about Tanya and the Affluence Mindset Upgrade group go here: 



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2022 Year of the Yang Water Tiger