Are Parasites Your Underlying Problem?

Are you dealing with fatigue, skin issues, headaches, bloat or other digestive issues, anxiety, depression, insomnia or hormonal imbalances? Your underlying issue is most likely parasites.

We all have parasites, and knowing the amount of bugs inside us would astound any of us. Did you know we are only 2% human DNA? The rest of us is made up of bacteria, parasites, and other bugs populating. I can hear it now. Some of you are completely grossed out already. But, just like when I have the poop conversations with you, this is worth listening to. In 1st world countries, we think that parasites are a 3rd world issue. The truth is, they are increasing more and more in those of us in 1st world countries. (Puts a whole new spin on 1st world problem jokes!) The reason for this is that parasites have a symbiotic relationship with us. They are actually able to help us to deal with toxins, such as heavy metals that are in our bodies.

While it’s great that they can protect us from some of the toxic overload by feasting on it, we don’t really want to keep all the toxins in our body, along with the parasites. They can be responsible for many ailments. There are many symptoms that can occur due to parasites including: chronic headaches, serious skin issues, chronic fatigue, autoimmune conditions, hormonal imbalances, food sensitivities, allergies, digestive issues, depression, anxiety, being overly angry, grinding teeth, ringing in the ears, and they are often found with cancer. So, if you are dealing with a persistent issue that you are stumped by, and you swore you were following the protocols, it could be parasites needing cleared out. For someone with bacteria, fungus, mold, lyme and viruses that won’t go away, the parasites must be cleansed out first for these to lessen their grips. The parasites in fact, have created a perfect environment for these to come in and nest.

Even if you feel relatively healthy, we could all be doing a parasite cleanse twice a year. Especially if we have pets, or like to walk around barefoot in the nice weather. When we lack certain nutrients, as well as digestive enzymes, this can add to the perfect habitat for parasites. Stress of course adds to the breeding ground. Wifi exposure causes issues with our microbiome and invites parasites in. So, you can see why this is a necessary thing for us to all look at.

You may be asking yourself now if you need a parasite cleanse, and if so, how to go about it. I’ve been getting ready to share with you a new group cleanse for parasites. I have a 30 day support group through Facebook where you will receive 4 days a week of me coming into the group and answering any questions you have, giving you nutritional and emotional support, and assisting your healing. You get an initial consultation before we begin to go over all the protocols, and for you to order herbs, and prepare for the journey ahead of you. Emotions do have a part to play in the healing of parasites, and I recommend while you are doing the parasite cleanse to work on cleansing this out through Amma Therapy, which can help move the stuck emotions out of the body. Also, with my Ancestral Energy Clearing I assist you to let go of emotional patterns and release them from your ancestral line. If you are interested in this cleanse, let’s do a free clarity session to be sure the timing is right for you!

The Parasite Release Party (yes, I’m calling it a party, because we will have so much freedom when we feel better!) begins on May 4th. You need to register by April 27th in order to get your herbs ordered and delivered to you, and our consultation made.

Tier 1: Initial Nutritional Consult and FB support group for 30 days: $111

Tier 2: Initial Nutritional Consult, 1 Energy Clearing (choose as desired/needed and all 1 hour sessions), and FB support group for 30 days: $222

Tier 3: Initial Nutritional Consult, 2 Energy Clearing (mix and match as needed, all 1 hour sessions), and FB support group for 30 days: $333

***Early Bird Sign Up! If you commit by 4/22/22 you will get the following prices:

Tier 1: $97

Tier 2: $197

Tier 3: $297

All payments are through Venmo, Cash App or PayPal.

Here’s what you get:

The Initial Nutritional Consult: Through zoom/phone, or in person available. In this, I will muscle test to see how much of the cleansing herbs you need, and go over all of the nutritional protocols for you to be successful. I will guide you to finding the herbs for the journey. You will need to purchase the herbs at least a week prior to the starting our journey. (Cost does not include the herbs. Plan to budget around $125).

Parasite Release Party Facebook Group: Tanya will be available at least 4 days a week to answer any questions, cheer you on, and to post information to support you. This is a private and confidential group.

For those who join in Tiers 2 and 3:

The above Nutritional Consult plus the Facebook private group, plus you will also get either 1 or 2 1 hour sessions of Ancestral Energy Clearing. These will be used during the 30 days and the 1st session is encouraged to be in the first week of the cleanse. The first week can be the most challenging, and this will allow you the most support. After that, you can schedule your sessions at any time during the 30 days.

What you need to know:

During this time you will have to eliminate all forms of sugar, including honey, maple syrup and alcohol. The good news is you can eat all the fruit you want! Once you join, I will give you all the nutritional information on what you can and can’t eat. The support group will allow us all to help one another be accountable and successful. I will be there to cheer you on and give you advice to make it easier. The most important thing to know is that mindset is everything! Cleansing can be fun, and should not be overly stressful. If you think you “should” do it, you have resistance and you aren’t ready. Going into this with excitement will create a way in which you can truly release and let go of what no longer serves you. If you are ready to heal, this is your time! I’m excited to assist you!

Many blessings,



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