2022 Year of the Yang Water Tiger

Happy Chinese New Year! (This officially shifted on February 4th!) If you needed another reset, here we go! Welcome to the year of the Yang Water Tiger! After two years in a row of metal, the water element is here to support us. Yang water is about wisdom, new innovations, and opening our minds to greater possibilities. As so many things are becoming unstable, we will need these creative energies to assist us. This year we will also see a lot of truth-telling and honesty out in the open. The year will be impressionable, as we all will have to adapt to swift changes that water is sure to bring in. We can rely on education and mentors to guide us though, and we’ll need to use our sensitive nature as an inner compass to assist us through this powerful year. 

The tiger is regal, brave, confident, a risk-taker, tenacious, and passionate. So may we find ourselves as all of these; and see this outwardly around us. We will find that we can be swept up in the emotional waters at times, although we will be grateful for this cardinal action-oriented animal. As long as we don’t act on impulses, or find ourselves being reactive and arrogant, we will find this energetic and quick action to be to our benefit. Tigers are very strong-willed about their freedoms, and these will be fought for at a community level, as well as personal. The environment will be a priority for all of us, as in five element theory, wood is inside the tiger, and water feeds wood. 

Tigers are regal, and are also great leaders because they are both intuitive and trustworthy, as well as family-oriented. You can bet that our communities will be steadfast in their care of one another no matter what we face collectively. Our spiritual nature will carry us through whatever storms we face, as fire feeds wood, and fire represents spirituality. May we each stand determined, tall and regal in all our own queendoms and kingdoms, ready to slay each of our own inner dragons/demons/shadows. 

In Love,

Tanya Augusta


Operating Out of Our Trauma Selves


Your Narcissistic Sugar Friend