One of my favorite movies on healing ancestral patterns and why it’s so timely
Image Source from Coco
One of my favorite movies Coco tells a story about healing familial patterns. I encourage all of you to see this if you haven’t. Without giving away all of the important points, I want to highlight what message it brings. The hero of the story Miguel wants to carry on a family tradition, but he needs the blessing of his family to do so. Without the whimsical storyline that the movie provides, this is a story that many of us encounter on our own hero/heroine journey. We often run into painful patterns that are carried down in our ancestry, and we see what hasn’t been working for past generations. For many of us, it is intolerable to continue the patterns or allow these things to be a part of our life. Many of us have a dream, or know a better life is possible, that we can do something differently, or be something more. Sadly, we carry on these patterns,this trauma, not because we want to, but because of conditioning. Often, we have tried our hardest, and have done work to stop a pattern we know is negative and not helping. And we still do it. It can take time, work, and a lot of tears. I know this so well.
Now, I still believe each of us has work to heal our past and our patterns, and I don’t want people to spiritually bypass. (In my Alchemy Coaching I assist people in working through their shadows). I also know some things we carry on are NOT ours, and we can let go of without all of the work. Why? Because again, most of it is repeated patterns we have been carrying on. Part of the Age of Aquarius we have moved into is that we don’t have to keep stuck in painful patterns anymore. While we can’t always get the blessing of a family member who’s alive to help us move forward, we can release the stuck trauma that is within us and heal.
This is what I do in my Ancestral Energy Healing is allow you to release what is no longer serving you. I help you move out of fear, out of being in patterns that create pain in your career, relationships, or by some trauma that plagues you month after month no matter how much counseling or coaching you have done. And when you get the energy clearing, you are able to let it go.
In 2018 I found a coach that did this energy clearing for me, and my life changed forever. I knew I had to bring this to my community and later that year became trained in it. It is time for you, and for all of us. It is time to move beyond what has held us back, limited us, kept us playing small, and keeping us in pain. We get to heal more quickly now, and to be the powerful creators we are meant to be. Just as we have angels/ medicine helpers on the other side who assist us along the way, we have tools for coming out of familial patterns.
We can grow into a life of more peace, love and content. I have found this, and I want this for you too. You are truly the Hero and Heroine, and this is your quest. See my Lift Off and Let Go and Unleash Your Magnificence below if you’d like to begin your journey with me as your guide. I believe in you, and it is time. To Spaciousness!
Many Blessings,Tanya