Manifestation Miracles

Photo by Benjamin Voros

Recently, two people I know who understand manifestation principles were surprised by how they thought of something and how quickly they manifested it, as well as how it came to them. For both people, that desire was gifted to them by someone who knew nothing about their desire. It always pleases me to see how taken aback all of us are when we quickly bring something into reality. I’ve definitely had some moments recently where I was in awe at how little time it took to bring my goal into reality. The old adage, be careful what you ask for is more important now than ever. 

With the coming turn of Saturn and Jupiter into Aquarius on the Solstice, we will feel these energies of our hard work, our faith and what we focus on become like the air and wind, and we will be able to communicate and manifest more quickly. After this last cycle of Saturn and Jupiter in the earth sign of Capricorn, the earth energy that can be slow moving and stubborn will be lifted. The sun, the new moon and solar eclipse of December 14th, as well as Mercury are in Sagittarius. The invitation here is to explore new horizons. And just as you would do when you go into a new culture, you may need to study, stretch yourself with curiosity, and find what passionately excites you. It is time to leave behind what no longer resonates, what is not fortifying you, and embrace the unknown. Remember, you are the Conscious Creator of this great life! 

As you are setting your intentions for this new moonth: What old pattern/routine would you like to break? What new beginning would you like to explore or create? Remember the new moon energies are felt for a few days before and afterwards. And the eclipse energy will be with us for the next 6 months. I suggest as you are creating your intentions, to always put them in the present tense. Be sure to read them every night before you go to bed, and every morning as you awaken. The ability for you to manifest will be more potent. 

Moon and Exploration Blessings, 

Tanya Augusta

 **If you would like to manifest more quickly, my Ancestral Energy Clearing is on sale! My 2 sessions are normally $247 and I’m doing a Christmas sale where this is now 2 for $147! If you’d like to bring in greater abundance, let go of a pattern that is still hurting/haunting you, or be able to step into the person you know you are with greater ease, this is for you! Here is some recent feedback from a client of mine on how she manifested soon after her session with me: “Imagine what happened today, - I saw, that on Saturday one woman asked for a first session, - then another woman send an email request and another one called me, - three new first session requests in ONE day That´s a new record Regarding abundance.” -Jasmin S. 

Winter’s Energetics


One of my favorite movies on healing ancestral patterns and why it’s so timely