Fluid Winterscapes and Gateways: Your Initiation Portal

Image by Sleep Music

Image by Sleep Music


Welcome to the winter gateway! Not only are we experiencing the change of guards of the seasons, but we had a new moon, and are going into the portal of Eclipse season and the coming Winter Solstice. Each of us is experiencing a new way of being; forming and crystallizing within us, as we stand through the crucible of this Renaissance time in his/herstory.

There are several initiations and invitations awaiting us as we head onwards in this fluid winterscape. The first thing I want to address is the importance of full self-acceptance at this time. What does this mean? It means sitting softly with whatever is present for you, whatever challenges are arising, and whatever emotions are bubbling to the surface. Many of us during this time of Mars stationing from retrograde have been experiencing the intensity of this planet and its aggression and anger energies. On the flip side, we may have found a new courage that we had cultivated from our depths. Let us remember if we have found ourselves amidst anger, that underneath this when we allow ourselves to feel is grief. And when we allow ourselves to grieve, we then find our way back to love. This active grieving is necessary for us to release and accept. We too, are in a space of liminality, in other words, of experiencing what was and what is.

We are redefining so many things, and especially our thoughts and beliefs. What are you ready to embrace or let go of? At a time before the winter transition, we are in the time ruled again by the earth element, the ruler of the spleen and stomach. We can catch ourselves ruminating, going over things that are holding us back, and keep us small. Worry is another pattern that impedes the ability of the stomach and spleen to do their digestion work and to assimilate the nutrients.

This is a time to be aware of our thoughts so we can learn to trust our heart over our mind. Our mind likes to tell stories, and the ego likes to look at things through the old patriarchal paradigm of us vs. them, wrong vs. right and this rigid lens and viewpoint. When we allow ourselves to soften and trust, we get in touch with our intuition, and we know what is our Truth. We stand in our power when we recognize we don’t need others validation, and that we can see that our feelings and thoughts matter. When we get clear and tune in to our higher selves calling we can find what matters. As we catch those small and petty thoughts and transmute the what is, what was, what if, we begin to focus on what we want to create. Learning to catch yourself amidst the thought train, we can slow it down until it stops.Then to turn it towards new vistas, visualize what you most want, desire and what will bring in joy, love and abundance to you and everyone! 

Need assistance to do this? I’m available in all the ways: Through Alchemy Coaching, Ancestral Energy Clearing, Nutrition Coaching, and Acupressure and Chinese Medicine, I’m ready to serve you! I have a new 4 week process to assist you on this journey: Unleash Your Magnificence. Keep reading for your 4 week journey to transmute and transform!

 Unleash Your Magnificence Do you find yourself trying to please everyone and feel burned out or unsure about yourself? Do you know the self-care or what you need to do with diet/health or relationships, but can’t push past patterns that keep leaving you frustrated and feeling hopeless? Do you know your soul wants a new path, but it feels challenging to stay in your power and create the life you want? If you answered yes to one or more of these, you’re in the right place!

Be ready to transmute, show up as reverently as possible, and live fully through this 4 week alchemizing Unleash Your Magnificence process:

  • Find out what makes you uniquely you

  • Learn how to stay in love and out of fear

  • Learn the foods that are keeping your body stuck in fatigue, pain or frustration

  • Find beliefs that need dissolved and let go of painful patterns

  • Gain skills to stay in your authenticity so you create powerful boundaries from love

What you get:

  • 1 Chinese Astrology Session

  • 1 Alchemy Coaching Session

  • 1 Ancestral Energy Clearing

  • 1 Holistic Nutrition Reboot Session

This program is also custom fit to assist you on your unique path, so that the alchemical journey will be tailored to where you are when you step onto this journey, allowing me to be your guide. This 4 week session is normally $447, but is available between now and Black Friday for $333. This can be bought as a gift card for a loved one, or you can get this for yourself. Sessions must begin by January 7th, 2021 and are for a 4 week journey where you discover that which makes you unique, allows you to dissolve limiting patterns and beliefs, and gets you feeling your best so you can be the powerful creator you are, and unleash your magnificence! 

  • Did you know you came in with a unique blueprint? When you know your hidden strengths, you can leverage these to help you with career, relationships and abundance!

  • Does it feel like you’ve been stuck in a process that you can’t move beyond? That’s because often our family patterns are stuck within our body. The good news is we can let them go!

  • Did you know there are foods that create vitality, and are unique for your optimal health in this now? Did you know there are foods that drain life force and limit your potential?

  • Are you ready to get to the root of your problems so you can finally have the career, relationships and life that excites you? Tanya’s divine blueprint allows her to seek out root solutions holistically, and this will guide you to dissolving what is holding you back.


One of my favorite movies on healing ancestral patterns and why it’s so timely


Holding Space for Our Humanity