Welcome to The Year of the Rat

Photo by Alexandr Gusev

Gung Hay Fat Choy! (Happy New Year!) Welcome to the Chinese Year of the Yang Metal Rat! Every year I take the pulse on what the energies will be like, according to the Chinese Astrology animal, along with the element and yin or yang quality. These overall energies govern us, and the qualities of the metal yang rat will permeate everyone’s overall temperament. The rat is the first sign in the zodiac, and so 2020 is the beginning of a new 12 year cycle. Our new year officially begins on February 4th.

The rat is known to be clever, adaptable, resourceful and thrifty. Though life could feel like we are in a maze or about to get caught in a mousetrap, we can tap into these abilities with rat energy to make it through well, and even cross that finish line. In fact, the story of how the rat got to go first in the zodiac is that it worked with the ox to cross the river and then jumped off the ox’s back to win the race.

Not only do rats work well with others, they are generally social creatures. Our cunning ability will be useful in social circles, and luckily rats are able to get along with everyone. They are also affectionate. We may be more easily in touch with our intuitive nature, and as always should pay heed to this. Rats are able to know when danger is coming, and this ability helps them through adversities. They additionally use good judgment and we will be wise to be thorough and plan. A rat is a careful observer, and makes strategic advances in any endeavors. Being thoughtful, systematic and meticulous will serve you especially in your career and financial advancements.

This is also a metal year. Metal in 5 Element Theory has qualities of strength, having precision, order, refinement, and being goal-oriented and resolute. We may find we are distilling things down in many areas of life.Although this is a yang year, the rat is considered a half yin, half yang animal. Therefore, the yang will not be as pronounced as in other years. Yang is activity, and energy. There will be this quality, and the down side of this could bring out traits such as impatience and complaining.

Overall, we have good fortune in a rat year, as rats are successful creatures who are also savers, so if we follow in thriftiness, we also will enjoy life’s wealth. Because they are alert and cheerful, they are liked by others. They are a sign of vitality as well, as they can have thousands of babies within a year. We can bring in abundance in many forms when we apply shrewdness and adaptability. Enjoy the New Year energies of rat!

Much Happiness & Prosperity to You and Yours!



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