Moving Past Making Yourself Wrong

People tend to see what they want to see, and we all have our projections that we put on others, which can make it challenging to see anyone for who they truly are. I struggle with this just like all of us. It came to my attention recently that everyone thinks I’m always happy. Social media is not reality,and I’ve learned to work on my things before talking about them publicly. I share pictures of me when I’m well mostly, as well as of nature, and of my adventures because I love to inspire people. But really, I struggle as much as you all do. I seem to struggle with a lot of sadness and worry that relates to wanting to do the best I can, and not making the same mistakes in life I did when I was younger. I sometimes worry that I’m too emotional, and while I question myself, make myself “wrong” sometimes, I also am not afraid to feel it, and cry and release it. Some days I have to spend a lot of time outside, regaining my balance through earthing, processing, doing breathwork, crying, walking, and eventually getting to a place where I feel gratitude once again. If I hadn’t been reminded of how many people struggle with mental health issues at a networking meeting yesterday, I might have again felt alone, contracting my breath and self. But as I realized that we all have days like this, or weeks or months or more, I again was grounded into knowing that whatever I go through and learn is a gift for me to know myself more deeply, as well as to heal things from my past that are ready to be released. Many of us are letting go of deep programming right now. We are moving through conditioning, and releasing old trauma, and sometimes having karmic things coming up that are activating us to feel, and then to release. It’s not easy, and hasn’t been pleasant. I have heard a lot of struggles since summer especially, and certainly have been there with you. 

One of the greatest tools I have found for emotional grounding and to get out of a tailspin is the Pranic Breathwork Yoga that I do. This form is especially powerful for letting go of mental/emotional/spiritual patterns that are stuck in our body. Along with it, we get benefits of stretching, immune-building and strength building. This is really a spiritual practice, but I can’t speak enough about it and how it can help especially with anxiety, depression, and again, any emotional imbalance. Check out the breathwork yoga link to learn more and to find my current schedule. Then go to my schedule link through my website to sign up, or reach out to join. 

Blessings of Wholeness,



How to Stay Well and Not Catch a Cold, Virus or Flu..


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