Here's What Improv Has Taught Me Beyond the Backpack of Perceived Limitations

Let’s unzip this backpack that is full of things that are keeping us safe. Let’s see how many stuffed coats or layers are here to protect, and what compass or map is here for us to survey and discover, to make sense of, and finally what thoughts we attach to that help us bring justice to, innerstand more deeply, or feel important about. And it’s all fun and beautiful to carry around a backpack full of these things, as we are all going through life trying on different things, stepping into character, repurposing, sharing, gifting and finding our way. Life and improv are not so different. We can choose at any moment that we can DO and BE something different. We can be someone we like better. We can also play with things that bring in conflict, but ultimately in all our searching and on our heroes quest, we will find resolution. And we can choose to be this powerful creator of the life we so very much desire. Or we can let life happen, and give our power away to circumstance, to authority, to those we don’t particularly like, or those we adore, even though sometimes it seems okay cuz it’s just our best friend. But we always have choice.

And as we choose, let’s not forget we each have the coolest backpack that no one else could ever have or want! It’s funny how many times we intuitives and psychic healers are asked by clients or friends about what we are picking up on with that person in regards to something they want to do or have a question about. And while I definitely love sharing any intuitive guidance and feel prompted to share what wants to come through, more often than not, I feel a desire to bring the question back to them. We often need to see multiple sides and angles of our question. Sometimes we know an answer, and we aren’t ready to hear it. Most of the time, we just need to build that trust muscle in ourselves and our own intuitive knowing. This can mean having to wait for an answer, which is the antithesis of everything our culture has conditioned us in with this world of instant gratification. 

While we ponder this question, bringing in logic is also helpful, as well as stories and antidotes for what others have been through in similar situations. Go out and quest and ask my friends! And nothing wrong with asking your healers their opinions too! A mix of intuition and facts, and what is known and not known is always helpful. So often, we doubt, make ourselves “wrong”, and feel some deep need to label ourselves and our current experience, such as, “I have social anxiety”. And while I’m not saying it’s wrong to feel, experience or do this, I feel we all just need to get out and play more. Try on that anxiety if you like. But, if you don’t like it, what can you shift to experience something else and new instead? What if it’s only a temporary pattern? You aren’t stuck in anything, until you allow yourself this. Ask yourself what else, or using the improv rule of “Yes Anding”, is a sure way to create a life that is way more fun, fulfilling and allows you to change in and out of characters, scenes and ways of being. Be your powerful, goofy, and changeable self. In a sea of so many people wanting to be liked, and feeling disempowered, let yourself shine!! The world needs you as you are, and as you will be in this next changing minute. Be unapologetically you.


Let Go of Woundings and Find Wholeness


Welcome to the Yin Water Rabbit Year 2023