Let Go of Woundings and Find Wholeness

Are you a worry wort, are you negative or angered easily? Is there something else you’d rather not share or wish would go away? Do you do things just like your mom or dad? We all take on parts and characters in our lives, and these stories have been passed down in our families we grow up with. We even sometimes say, he or she is “such a character”. This expression helps us see we each take on a role, and it doesn’t have to be permanent. Some of our ways of being we didn’t even watch, but we know happened from an ancestor (often a grandparent), but maybe even further back. We often don’t like these attributes, and they can be ones that cause us to have further trauma in our lives. For me, I used to be a really angry person.

I know that probably comes as a shock unless you’ve known me long enough, or you’re related to me. But I learned ways of being, and I had a powerful ancestral pattern stuck within me for a very long time that created me going into anger easily. For example, I raged at my computer for years. There were many reasons and layers to this trauma that was stored in me. It was my frustration for not being better, it had layers of shame, layers of guilt that I wasn’t good enough, and layers of perfectionism that I couldn’t do this thing well enough or fast enough. It was a very painful pattern. And the anger is one I still carry shame with me for, and that I’m not proud of. Although I had to be instigated with disrespect, I still am ashamed of my reactions. I hurt my ex-partners with my words when I was deeply triggered. And I share this because, we all have these kinds of traumas in us, and these ways of being that we don’t want to carry around. We all have embarrassing wounds, and we can let go and change. I don’t rage at my computer anymore, and haven’t for nearly a decade. I now warn someone if they have escalated me that I’m really upset and why I feel disrespected. I do still sometimes get a little road rage, but luckily I’m only with myself when I start yelling at a rude driver. Lol. 

With awareness, we can begin to change these stories. It is in our awareness and acceptance, that we look more deeply, find new stories, and also seek tools and practitioners that can guide us into more wholeness. We can heal and we can bring back these fragmented parts back into us. And it is a journey. I’m not done healing my anger and shame around it. And so I have continued to find my tools and resources and seek out supports that I need. And the tools that I really wanted to learn with proficiency I got further education in. One tool that deeply affected me is from the Conscious Creation Method, and I call this work I do Ancestral Energy Clearing. We let go of painful patterns with the Ancestral Energy Clearings, and with Amma bodywork too. And at my Nourishing Self: Ancestral and Star Wisdom retreat we will be doing writing exercises to let go of woundings within us from these ancestral patterns. We will also learn about our true nature, what is written in the stars so to speak, in our divine blueprints through a Western and Chinese Astrological lens to learn our gifts and superpowers. As a bonus, I have an Ancestral Energy Clearing session for the first two to sign up for my retreat, to assist you even further in letting go of the characters that are no longer you, so you can step even more into your creative and powerful, true self. 

All details for the retreat and Early Bird Pricing goes through this Saturday, May 13th:



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