We Are All Energetic Beings

Today I had hypnosis with Sara Ludwig, a QHHT practitioner of Boise QHHT. (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique was developed by Dolores Cannon). I highly recommend her and going into your past lives to heal current life issues. Sometimes, this is the place that we need to release if you’re doing the inner work and still feeling stuck. Sara and I discussed how we’re all getting to a point where we’re recognizing we’re all energetic beings. And I believe in my lifetime, we will all be telepathic. Or perhaps at least a bunch of us will, while others may not. I’ve been dealing with some people who aren’t looking at their shadows in the past week, and I say this because I could feel energetically their intentions, but their words or actions were misaligned to what I was feeling. Here’s my thoughts on all this… First of all, we sign up for all the relationships we have before we come here. And we know who is going to play the good guy, and who will play the bad guy. And look, sometimes we are the bad guy no matter how great we think we are. 

Secondly, we are all energetic beings, meaning we are made up of energy, and we vibrate with a frequency that others can feel. Our energy changes as our thoughts and mood changes, and we all can feel what others are thinking and feeling, at least to a degree. Of course, some of us are more in tune, and some of us call ourselves empaths, as we feel a lot. It’s funny because our culture has tried to deem that only some of us have this gift, but we all have this ability. Some of us are just tuned in to a higher degree, and yes some of us have gifts that we came in with that help us with this too. 

But there are also ways to increase our psychic and intuitive ability. As we decalcify our pineal gland, and as we are in nature more, we can increase this frequency of feeling others' energy and their intentions. And here’s the thing, while many of us may be cheering for people to all get to a point where we can become telepathic, there are many people who aren’t ready for this, and who are struggling as we are currently going through this spiritual shift. This is because they either don’t know their authentic self, or they aren’t always in touch with their authentic needs at the moment. 

What I have found when this happens is that people tend to do things like project, deflect, take things personal, make assumptions, act like they’re right and you’re all wrong, or even worse gaslight you. Essentially, they’re not willing to look at themselves and their own shadow work. But as an energetic being myself, what I am continuing to learn as I have continued to be in tune with my authentic self and intuition, is to trust what I’m feeling. And typically while someone won’t be able in the beginning to state their truth, in time and through conversation it will come up and be divulged. 

So trust yourself, what you feel, but in the meantime, ask more questions, and remember the four agreements. Also, in sharing this, I too have had to work through my shadows with those this past week, where I could have asked more questions, where I could have been impeccable with my words, etc. So, we all are a work in progress, and I honor each of us who is willing to take this journey to look deeply and to strive to improve. It is so needed. 

~ With Warmth and Love,



Are You Praying Like This?


We’re all spellcasters, and this isn’t some witchy woo woo business